Subscription options
Frequent queries, data updates, etc. Depending on your requirements, choose how you access the ISSN International Portal!
- ISSN Portal
- Automated access protocols
ISSN Portal
Do you need to refer frequently to the ISSN International Portal?
The ISSN Portal is a web-based interface accessible through a subscription fee.
You can choose between two types of subscription:
- identification by user ID and password,
- identification with IP authentication
A subscription is valid for a calendar year (January to December) or for 1 quarter.
To request any additional information, contact the Sales department of the ISSN International Centre.
Automated access protocols
– Through Z39.50 Access
You work in a library, documentation centre and you need to search several databases simultaneously. You can choose to access the ISSN International Register via the Z39.50 protocol (ISO 23950 and ANSI/NISO Z39.50 standards).
-Through APIs
You need to automatically update your database on a regular basis or to automatically access metadata corresponding to local ISSN. You can choose to access the ISSN International Register via APIs.
For further information and a free quote, please contact the Sales department of the ISSN International Centre.
-OAI-PMH protocol
You need to automatically update your local version of the ISSN International Register on a regular basis or to automatically access metadata corresponding to ISSN: choose to access the ISSN International Register via the OAI-PMH protocol.
With this protocol you can:
- closely monitor changes in the ISSN International Register at a pace adapted to your needs (monthly, weekly, daily, etc.).
- automatically access at any time a record in the ISSN International Register by performing a search by ISSN,
- potentially feed into theme-based portals using predefined profiles.
Your application sends http queries to our server, which replies with a flow of data (bibliographic records) in Marc XML.
The protocol specifications are freely accessible on the Openarchives website
To request any additional information, contact the Sales department of the ISSN International Centre.