ISSN IC visits the Australian ISSN Center
Clément Oury, head of the Data Network and Standards Department, visits the Australian ISSN Centre on May 13th, 2016.
Clément Oury, head of the Data Network and Standards Department, visits the Australian ISSN Centre on May 13th, 2016.
Gaëlle Béquet will chair the next ISO TC 46 meeting which will take place in Wellington, New Zealand from 9-13th May, 2016. TC46/SC9, the subcommittee on Identification and description, will hold its plenary meeting on Wednesday 11th May. Several representatives of ISO registration authorities (including the ISSN International Centre) will attend.
The ISSN IC thanks all the participants for their attendance during the 21th meeting of the General Assembly of the ISSN International Centre in April 2016.
Regina Reynolds (US ISSN Centre) and Clément Oury (ISSN IC) will hold a conference about RDA, Bibframe and Serials at the National Library of France (Paris, France, 27 April 2016).
This conference is part of the BnF RDA-thon, a series of events dedicated to RDA.
The ISSN network will meet on Friday 29 April, 2016 in Paris for its 21st General Assembly. This meeting will follow the Governing Board meeting to be held on April 26th and 27th.
On April 28th, ISSN IC is organising an International Conference entitled ” Bibliographic metadata getting linked: business cases and projects”
Click on the Programme to learn more.
By invitation only.
This conference will be available through a streaming video as from April 28th (morning) from this link:
The Fiesole Collection Development Retreat Series 2016: Presentations now available!
Go to to discover the papers presented at the Fiesole conference organized by Casalini Libri from 6th to 8th April 2016. Gaëlle Béquet (ISSN IC), Todd Carpenter (NISO) and Graham Stone (University of Huddersfield) were the speakers invited by Helen Henderson (Information Power Ltd) to give a talk at the special session about identifiers on April 7th.
Regina Reynolds (US ISSN Centre) and Clément Oury (ISSN IC) will attend the UKSG annual conference (Bournemouth, UK, 11-13 April 2016). Regina Reynolds will present a paper dedicated to “The Predatory Publishing Phenomenon”. Clément Oury will also participate to the ICEDIS (ONIX for Serials) meeting.
The forthcoming ISSN General Assembly (21st meeting) will be held in Paris on April 29th, 2016.
This event will be preceded on April 28th by an International Conference entitled “Bibliographic metadata going linked: business cases and projects “ , organised by ISSN IC.
The Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), a research unit under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), will host the 41st Meeting of the Directors of National Centres belonging to the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) network from November 7 to 11, 2016.
At the same time IBICT, with the support of the ISSN International Centre – the intergovernmental organization which has been coordinating the ISSN network since 1975- plans a workshop targeted at representatives from libraries and serial publishers associations from Latin America, be they already members or not of the ISSN Network. The aim is to promote greater coordination in the sectors of information and documentation between Latin American countries.
In order to prepare this meeting, IBICT invites representatives of Embassies in charge of scientific and cultural cooperation to participate in a meeting to be held on February 25th at 10 a.m.. The meeting will take place next to IBICT facilities, in a Conference room (5th floor) located in Sector Municipalities, South Court 5, Lot 6, Conference in Brasilia. The provisional programme of the workshop will be presented as well as the 41st Meeting of ISSN Directors.
The agenda of this meeting is as follows:
– Dr. Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, will present the objectives of the ISSN network and her vison for Latin America;
– Dr. Cecilia Leite, Director of IBICT, will briefly present the IBICT, its activities and how it participates in the ISSN Network;
– Dr. Lillian Alvares, general coordinator at IBICT, will specify the objectives of the workshop and give details on her expectations regarding the participation of Latin American countries.
Please send an email to to confirm your participation.