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ISSN newsletter
  N°5 - June 11, 2012 ISSN 2221-8009  
News   ISSN News
New version of the ISSN Manual now available !
This version of the ISSN Manual (available both in English and in French) incorporates new rules and new criteria for ISSN assignment (in particular for electronic resources) adopted by the ISSN Network since 2010. For the first time, it is complemented by examples of ISSN records.  The Manual will be updated again once the discussions about harmonization with the other bibliographic standards (RDA - Resource Description and Access - and ISBD - International Standardized Bibliographic Description) launched in 2011, are completed.

Annual meeting of the ISO TC 46
Mrs Françoise Pelle, Director of the ISSN International Centre, chaired the annual meeting of the ISO TC 46 held in Berlin from 7 to 11 May. This Technical Committee is in charge of the standardization in the field of information and documentation.

General Assembly of the ISSN Network and Governing Board of the ISSN International Centre

The General Assembly of the ISSN Network and the Governing Board of the ISSN International Centre were held in Paris on 25, 26 and 27 April. Discussions focused on the new Strategic Plan of the ISSN International Centre (to be adopted in 2012, for the period 2012-2016) and on current ISSN projects. New member countries of the Governing Board were elected, represented by: Mr Jorge Atrio (Argentina), Mr Ismet Ovcina (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Mrs Jasenka Zajec (Croatia),  Mrs Marja-Liisa Seppala (Finland), Mrs Susann Solberg (Germany), Mrs Jelena Djurovic (Montenegro), Mrs Elena Tirziman (Romania), Mr Ümit Yasar Gözüm (Turkey), Mrs Louise Howlett (United Kingdom), and Mr Karl Debus-Lopez (USA). Mr Karl Debus-Lopez  and Mrs Jasenka Zajec were respectively elected Chair and Vice-chair of the Governing Board.

Standard   Standards

    NISO releases draft Recommended Practice on Presentation and Identification of E-Journals for public comment
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO, United States) announced the release of the draft Recommended Practice PIE-J: Presentation & Identification of E-Journals (NISO RP-16-201x) for public review and comment through July 5, 2012. This Recommended Practice was developed to provide guidance on the presentation of e-journals, particularly in the areas of title presentation, accurate use of ISSN, and citation practices-to publishers and platform providers, as well as to solve some long-standing concerns of serials librarians. Regina Romano Reynolds, Director of the US ISSN Centre is member of the PIE-J Working Group  (NISO, 2012-05-30)

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) becomes an ISO standard
ISO 26324, the ISO standard for the Digital Object Identifier system, was published in May 2012. The DOI is an identifier of an entity – physical, digital or abstract – on digital networks. It provides information about that object, including where the object, or information about it, can be found on the Internet. It is already widely used for the identification of scientific and scholarly articles. As of May 2012, some 60 million DOI names have been assigned. (ISO, 2012-05-10) 

The Library of Congress announces modeling initiative
The Library of Congress announced that it has contracted with Zepheira to help accelerate the launch of the Bibliographic Framework Initiative.  A major focus of the project is to translate the MARC 21 format to a Linked Data (LD) model while retaining as much as possible the robust and beneficial aspects of the historical format. (Library of Congress, 2012-05-22)

RSS   Publishing, Information Industry, Technology 
Ask the chefs: “What is the most important advance publishers have made in the past decade?”

How have publishers changed over the past decade? What have been the most important advances? Todd Carpenter (NISO), Michael Clarke (Executive Vice President for Product and Market Development at Silverchair Information Systems) and others give their point of view. (The Scholarly Kitchen, 2012-06-11)

Toward a second revolution: Altmetrics, total-impact, and the decoupled journal
In this talk given at Purdue University libraries, Jason Priem discusses how social media is transforming scholarly communication, how we can measure it with altmetrics, and how these metrics will inform algorithmic filters to fundamentally transform the way we communicate research. (2012-05-25)

Attacking publishers will not make open access any more sustainable
According to Graham Taylor, Director of academic, educational and professional publishing at the Publishers Association (UK), "publishers fully support expanding access to publicly funded research but only as part of a model that is financially viable...". (The Guardian, 2012-05-25)

Are publishers waking up from their dream about apps?

When Apple’s iPad arrived on the scene in 2010, many magazine and newspaper publishers saw it as an incredible opportunity to convince consumers to pay for their content in a new form. But for many, that dream has given way to the cruel reality that apps are at best a stop-gap measure, not a dramatic new business model. The benefits don’t outweigh the negatives for both readers and publishers. It’s a lesson that some content producers might want to consider, as The Financial Times and the MIT Technology Review  already did when they decided to kill their app’s and to published contents formatted in HTML 5. (Gigaom, Mathew Ingram, 2012-05-07)

Public sector saves £28 million through open access, but much greater rewards to come
Open Access to published scholarly research offers significant benefits to the UK, according to two reports released by the UK Open Access Implementation Group.
The UK public sector already saves £28.6 million by using open access.  The reports make it clear that both the public sector and the voluntary sector would see further direct and indirect benefits from increased access to UK higher education research publications. (JISC, 2012-05-01)

UNESCO releases Policy Guidelines for the Development and Promotion of Open Access
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has released a new publication entitled “Policy Guidelines for the Development and Promotion of Open Access”. The overall objective of these “Policy Guidelines “ is to promote Open Access in Member  States by facilitating understanding of all relevant issues related to Open Access.  Open Access is at the heart of UNESCO’s mandate to provide universal access to information and knowledge. (UNESCO, April 2012)

Libraries   Libraries

    2012 top ten trends in academic libraries
In order to identify these trends,  members of the ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee have reviewed the literature, attended conferences, and contacted experts. 2012 top ten trends regard various topics such as “data curation”,  “digital preservation”, “mobile environments”, “staffing”… (College & Research Libraries News,  vol. 73 n°. 6, June 2012)

NRC-CISTI launches Canadian research data registration service

NRC’s Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (NRC-CISTI) has launched a research data registration service for Canada that will help the research community address a long-standing challenge to make valuable research data easier to find so they can be leveraged and exploited for other research purposes. The DataCite Canada service enables organizations and libraries to register their data and assign digital object identifiers (DOIs) to them. DataCite Canada’s services are offered in cooperation with DataCite, an international consortium of national-scale libraries and research organizations committed to increasing access to research data on the Internet. (National Research Council Canada, 2012-05-31)

Launch of

This site, designed for library and information professionals working in higher education institutions (public or private), aims to centralize all information related to resources acquired in the framework of the national licenses system. The followings can be found at description of the content of each resource, identification of rightholders, text of the license signed (accessible and downloadable), instructions for cataloging and reporting in Sudoc (union catalogue for French university libraries) or by other means. (ABES, 2012-05-11)

Harvard Releases 12 Million Library Records

Harvard is making more than 12 million catalog records from its 73 libraries publicly available under a Creative Commons public domain license, the university announced.
The records can be bulk downloaded from Harvard in the standard MARC21 format, and are available for programmatic access by software applications via API at the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). (The Digital Shift, 2012-05)

Calendar   Forthcoming Events
ALA Annual Conference

June 26-28, 2012 - Anaheim, California, USA

LIBER 41st Annual Conference

June 27-30,  2012 - Tartu, Estonia

"The E-Book": AFNOR/BNF annual day

June 29, 2012 -  Paris, France

This issue of the newsletter and archives are also available on the ISSN website.
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