ISSN Nigeria is communicating around the use of International Standard Numbers
The National Library of Nigeria (NLN) is responsible for the issuance of all International Standard Numbers. It has the responsibility of sensitising and advising authors, printers and publishers on the importance and the professional use of these numbers. The Nigerian National Serial Data Centre (NNCDC) was set up at the National Library of Nigeria in 1976, and became the Nigerian ISSN Centre. It is responsible for the registration of all serial titles published in Nigeria and for assigning them with ISSN. The National Library of Nigeria is the only agency mandated to issue ISBN and ISSN. Therefore, authors and publishers are advised to avoid the use of fake of ISBN/ISSN visiting any branch of the National Library of Nigeria or its website.
The National Librarian/CEO, Prof. Chinwe Anunobi and Ms. Amaka Ojielo (Director, International Standards and Programmes Department, NLN) at the 47th ISSN Directors’ meeting in Cairo, Egypt.
ISSN International Centre will participate in IFLA Webinar: From ISBD to ISBDM – a bibliographic standard in transformation– 26 January 2023
Mikael Wetterström, Specialist in Automated Processing of Bibliographic Data at ISSN International Centre, will participate in the ISBD webinar to be held on 26 January 2023.
A major revision of the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD) was decided in 2018 by the IFLA Committee on Standards and the IFLA ISBD Review Group, aiming at aligning the ISBD to the overarching conceptual model provided by IFLA, the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM). The ISBD for Manifestation Task Force is working out an alignment of the ISBD with LRM at the Manifestation level (ISBDM).
Join this webinar on 26 January 2023, from 3 to 6 pm CET (GMT/UTC+1)!
Attendance is free, but registration is required. The full programme is announced on IFLA website.
Parmi les avancées de l’année 2022, Mir@bel organise désormais des réunions régulières tripartites avec l’Agence bibliographique de l’enseignement supérieur (Abes) et le Centre ISSN France (BnF), tous deux partenaires du réseau. Ces réunions permettent notamment de faire le point sur les chantiers d’attribution des ISSN lancés grâce aux repérages des métadonnées de Mir@bel sur les revues qui proposent du texte intégral en ligne.
Focus on the Egyptian National Scientific and Technical Information Network (ENSTINET)
The Egyptian National Scientific and Technical Information Network (ENSTINET) was created in 1986 by the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT). ENSTINET has been hosting since 1990. ENSTINET manages a technological platform supporting research in Egypt. It operates the National Research ISSN Egyptand Education Network. It collaborates with similar organisations in Europe (GEANT) and the USA (Internet2). ENSTINET also hosts the Egyptian Knowledge Bank Portal, the National Scientific and Technical Repository and a publishing platform among other services. Through agreements with 31 publishers as of 2022, 120 databases are made available to Egyptian researchers and students. ENSTINET and ISSN Egypt have been instrumental in the creation of the Arabic Citation Index with Clarivate ( to make research in Arab States more visible.
Un million de pages numérisées dans BelgicaPeriodicals
Depuis le 1er octobre, BelgicaPeriodicals a franchi un cap symbolique en proposant plus d’un million de pages numérisées de revues belges disponibles en recherche plein texte. BelgicaPeriodicals donne accès à 134 revues et parutions périodiques datant du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours et conservées à la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique (KBR). Grâce à l’automatisation partielle des chaines de numérisation due à l’introduction de robots scanners dans le parc de numérisation, la KBR a pu considérablement accélérer le rythme de numérisation des revues conservées dans nos collections.
They contain the published and peer-reviewed submissions of the 18th International Conference on Digital Preservation. The conference was hosted by the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) in Glasgow, Scotland from the 12th-16th September 2022.
iPres 2022 met under the heading ‘Data for all, for good and for ever’. Five themes were expressed in the main headings of the conference: Community, Environment, Exchange, Innovation and Resilience .
The Persistent web IDentifier (PWID) is now officially registered as a Uniform Resource Name (URN)
The PWID is used for creation and resolving of precise and persistent references to data in web archives. It was invented as there was no proper way of referring precisely and persistently to data in one or more web archives. Further work will be to establish some kind of registry of domains for identification of web archives, as part of the PWID (e.g. via International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC)), – another initiative is the creation of a resolver, which currently only exists as a prototype (e.g. to be part of International Internet Preservation Consortium (OPF tools)).
This poster presents the Persistent Web IDentifier (PWID), how it works compared to other approaches and the expected progress of the PWID.
What Library Publishing Coalition accomplished under their first strategic plan
Melanie Schlosser, library publishing librarian, explains for her perspective how the Library Publishing Coalition (LPC) has evolved in each of their strategic areas, where they have made significant progress, and where she sees untapped potential.
Experimental API for publicly available data and metadata at the Royal Danish Library
Currently the API delivers public data from the Royal Danish Library’s newspaper collection. Data from the Danish newspaper has to be older than 140 years to qualify af “public data”. The API is presented in the Swagger UI and can return data in JSON, JSONL and CSV. Requests to the API are based on search queries in the Mediestream-platform. Go to the Newspaper API
Es fundamental determinar cuál es la mejor revista para publicar los resultados de una investigación, considerando el público meta, el alcance, el riguroso sistema de evaluación por pares, la visibilidad, su licencia y que no se trate de una revista espuria o depredadora. En este taller se brindarán las recomendaciones y herramientas para calificar las revistas en estos aspectos y poder determinar los niveles de apertura, la autenticidad y confiabilidad de una revista a la hora de publicar.
In their editorial “Public access is not equal access”, the authors explain how the open access model can compound inequities by charging unaffordable article processing fees. They also acknowledge the perverse incentives of a business model based on volume of articles published, which has led to the proliferation of open access journals, many of which are predatory, and risks diluting the scientific literature. However, the unintended consequence of open access policies is the erosion of trust in scientific publishing standards by institutions. This is the case for Chinese institutions whose lack of confidence in the quality of open access articles risk to weaken the viability of legitimate open access journals and in turn hinder scientific research.
Five ways to optimize open access uptake after a signed read and publish contract: lessons learned from the Dutch UKB consortium
Consortia and publishers invest a lot of time and expertise in the negotiation process. A well-drafted read and publish contract is, however, not enough to guarantee an optimal open access publishing service. Based on lessons learned from the Association of Dutch University Libraries, the Royal Library, and the Library of the Royal Academy of Sciences (The Netherlands) aka UKB consortium, five ways to optimize open access after a signed contract are addressed here in which tooling plays a key role.
Springer Nature completes acquisition of Research Square Company
Research Square Company (RSC) comprises American Journal Experts (AJE), which provides best-in-class AI-powered and professionally delivered author solutions, and Research Square, the world’s number one multi-disciplinary preprint platform. After a long partnership and period of partial ownership, Springer Nature has increased its investment in RSC to take full ownership.
The acquisition reflects the shared ambition of the two companies to provide faster, better, quality-assured author solutions. This includes helping authors improve their manuscripts prior to submission and share their research both before and after publication.
In May 2022, Springer celebrated 180 years of supporting researchers to advance discovery. Now, a new report, Springer: Serving the global research community, explores Springer’s evolution from its humble beginnings to the high-impact publisher it is today. This blog takes a look at some of the key highlights.
En los últimos años se ha observado una proliferación de revistas fraudulentas, en algunos casos asociadas a congresos de la misma naturaleza. Los autores de estas prácticas ilegítimas han desarrollado una extraordinaria capacidad para estafar a autores y lectores. Latindex viene trabajando en este tema desde hace un tiempo y ha elaborado distintos materiales de difusión. Aquí está la segunda versión de la Guía para editores Identificación y tratamiento de revistas espurias en Latindex.
Guidelines on Inclusive Language and Images in Scholarly Communication
The Guidelines on Inclusive Language and Images in Scholarly Communication are an expansion of C4DISC’s Toolkits for Equity project. They came together due to the growing need for more comprehensive and global guidelines to help authors, editors, and reviewers recognize the use of language and images that are inclusive and culturally sensitive. As the Guidelines will be updated annually, the entire scholarly publishing community may help grow and improve them over time by suggesting new references, recommendations, and resources.
The author of this post compares two different opinions about a trend resulting in increasing standardisation of journal articles. Drawing on a recent survey of forty years of research papers in the field of Science and Technology Studies (STS) and interviews with authors, Wolfgang Kaltenbrunner and his team observe an increasing homogenisation of published work. Weighing up the pros and cons of this development, they discuss whether it has enhanced or limited intellectual innovations in STS. On the contrary, Kaveh Bazargan argued, in a presentation at the NISO Conference in 2022, that using standard technology, notably XML, can increase standardization and as a result promote open science.
Mieux comprendre la bibliométrie : deux nouvelles ressources
Le Groupe de travail sur les données bibliométriques (GT-Bibliométrie) du réseau de l’Université du Québec a mis récemment en ligne le Carrefour bibliométrie. Il s’adresse à toute personne intéressée par cette pratique qui sert à évaluer l’impact des communications scientifiques. Ce guide permettra aux chercheurs et aux auteurs de répondre à leurs questions : Dans quelle revue devrais-je publier? Ma recherche a-t-elle une influence dans la communauté? Quels seraient mes collaborateurs potentiels? Enfin, le Carrefour intègre un Guide des bonnes pratiques en bibliométrie, utilisable en version dynamique Web ou en version statique PDF.
A new release of RDA Toolkit was posted on December 16, 2022. It included updates to both the English and Finnish versions of RDA. There were changes to the English RDA text related to RSC approval of two proposals at its July meeting. These changes added instructions to two Item and two Manifestation elements to make them consistent with other RDA elements that permit recording methods for non-RDA vocabulary encoding schemes, and made additions to the “Recording an unstructured description” section of five elements.
A look back at the Open Meetings of the ISNI Library Sector Consultation Group
The ISNI Libraries Sector Consultation Group held its second Open Meeting of the year on 20th October 2022. The Chair of ISNI’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Emma Rogoz (British Library) presented an interesting overview of ISNI technical developments in recent months. Work is nearing completion on a duplicate detection crawler. Some participants reported briefly on a range of topics: the use of ISNI in identifying publishers and brands (Gaëlle Bequet, ISSN-IC); enhancing ISNI’s documentation (Erin Burnand, British Library and the ISNI Quality Team); the recent launch of the ISNI Book Publishing Consultation Group (Andrew MacEwan, British Library).
The next Open Meeting of the Libraries Group will take place on 20th April 2023.
Some reflections on the current PID landscape – with an emphasis on risks and trust issues
This is a timely moment to explore the risks and trust-related issues associated with an ever wider implementation of Persistent Identifiers (PIDs). Following an earlier work on ‘risks and trust in pursuit of a well-functioning Persistent Identifier infrastructure for research’ conducted by the Knowledge Exchange (KE) Task & Finish Group on PIDs, the KE commissioned a study in July 2021 to look deeper into these issues. This work will result in the publication of a report and a series of case studies on specific areas of current PID development. The full project results are expected to be published by the KE by the end of 2022.
7e journée professionnelle Métadonnées en bibliothèques : vidéos et présentations
Le groupe Systèmes & Données du programme Transition bibliographique a organisé sa 7e journée professionnelle « Métadonnées en bibliothèques » le 25 novembre 2022 en visio conférence.
Ce rendez-vous met en avant une avancée majeure du groupe : la constitution et la mise en ligne d’un jeu de données conforme à la modélisation IFLA LRM dans un format UNIMARC. L’objectif est de donner de la matière pour des tests d’intégration de ces données et de développement autour d’un catalogue par entités tant pour les interfaces professionnelles que publiques.
NISO Plus 2023 will take place on February 14-16, 2023 as a virtual event and is announcing the close-to-final program, which is a mix of invited sessions, as recommended by the NISO Plus 2023 Planning Committee, responses to our call for proposals, and ideas generated at the recent NISO Plus Forum.
ARL-CARL-CRKN-SCOSS Webinar / Webinaire ARL-ABRC-RCDR-SCOSS – 17 January 2023 / 17 janvier 2023
Dryad, LA Referencia, and the Research Organization Registry (ROR) were selected as targets for the fourth round of crowd-funding from the Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS). Please join the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), the Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL), the Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) and SCOSS for a one-hour webinar focused on these critical open infrastructures for science and scholarship, the services they provide, and the sustainability issues they face.
Registration is free. Please register online to confirm your place.
Dryad, LA Referencia et le Research Organization Registry (ROR) ont été sélectionnés pour le quatrième tour de sociofinancement de la Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS). Participez au webinaire d’une heure organisé par l’Association of Research Libraries (ARL), l’Association des bibliothèques de recherche du Canada (ABRC), le Réseau canadien de documentation pour la recherche (RCDR) et la SCOSS sur les infrastructures ouvertes essentielles pour la science et la recherche, les services qu’elles fournissent et les enjeux de durabilité auxquels elles sont confrontées.
International Conference Academic Publishing in Europe to be held on 10-11 January 2023 in Berlin
APE2023 will take place in the European School for Management and Technology (ESMT) in the heart of Berlin. APE 2023 is going to be a hybrid conference: remote participants will have the chance to be part of the discussion through a dedicated chat.
Topic: Building Technological Support for Scholarship and Scientific Publishing