Data from the new keepers
The two latest keepers (participating archiving agencies), the Scholars Portal and the Library of Congress, has now been added to the Keepers Registry. In this way, the number of titles listed in the Registry has greatly increased and, with the addition of the Scholars Portal from Canada, another country has been added to the geographical spread of keepers.
>> The Keepers Registry, 2014-03-20 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
NISO Publishes Revised Recommendations for Knowledge Bases and Related Tools (KBART)
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the publication of a revision to the Knowledge Bases and Related Tools (KBART) Recommended Practice. The initial recommendations were focused on metadata exchange between content providers for journal resources. The revision includes the more granular, complex issues that cause problems in metadata supply, including consortia-specific metadata and metadata transfer for open access publications, e-books, and conference proceedings.
>> NISO, 2014-04-07 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Publishing Industry
Wake up to what the ‘article of the future’ is really all about
Reflexions on the publishing industry following the 2014 Academic Publishing in Europe (APE) Conference. Richard Padley from Semantico raises questions noticeably about post-publication peer reviewing, reproducability, data mining, enabled by semantic technologies and social media.
>> Semantico, 2014-03-14 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Misleading Metrics
Jeffrey Bealls, librarian at Auraria Library, University of Colorado Denver has published a new list which purpose is to alert researchers to bogus metrics companies that have emerged over about the past year.
>> Scholarly Open Access, 2014-03-20 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
India suffers doubly due to lack of open access
India faces many academic challenges: lack of open access, academic scams, priority given to subscription journals are brakes to the dissemination of knowledge.
>> University World News, 2014-04-04 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
European Commission report urges legal reform to help scientists text-mine research papers
>> Nature blog, 2014-04-04 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Wellcome Money — In This Example of Open Access Funding, the Matthew Effect Dominates
Well established publishers receive a higher proportion of Wellcome fundings for article processing charges than newer, pure open access publishers according to a file released by the British trust.
>> The Scholarly Kitchen, 2014-03-21 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Development of open access in China: strategies, practices, challenges
As a major scientific publishing country with its estimated 5,000 STM journals, China’s place in the international OA publishing scene is considered in detail, with the author concluding that he believes open access to publicly funded research in China will soon become the accepted norm, as all levels of scientific policymakers fulfil their political, professional and international responsibilities, to the benefit of Chinese research and society.
>> Insights, 2014-03-03 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Repository Infrastructure Initiatives Agree to Align Networks
In a meeting in Rome, Italy, on March 20–21, 2014, representatives from several major regional repository networks came together to develop a strategy to better align their activities. Aligning networks will enable the exchange of data among them, greatly improve access to content across regions, and allow society to extract maximum value from the products of research.
>> ARL, 2014-04-02 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Named Entity Recognition for digitised newspapers
Named Entity Recognition (NER) is the process of identifying and classifying entities such as persons, locations and organisations in the full-text in order to enhance searchability. The KB National Library of the Netherlands is the Europeana Newspapers project partner and works as the NER specialist. Clemens Neudecker, Technical Coordinator KB research department talks about this process.
>> Europeana, 2014-03-03 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Q&A with newspapers researchers: Toine Pieters: « Libraries should secure free access for researchers at the European level »
Interview with Toine Pieters, Professor at the Utrecht University, on the interest for researchers of the recent newspaper digitalizations projects .
>> Europeana, 2014-03-31 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Instant e-libraries for Myanmar universities
Universities in Myanmar have been given e-libraries with hundreds of thousands of digital books and academic journals to help them catch up after decades of isolation under military rule.
>> BBC news, 2014-04-01 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Hispana labels more than 1 million records as Public Domain
Europeana now includes more than one million newspaper articles from the Spanish aggregator Hispana that are correctly labelled as being in the Public Domain. These newspapers were digitised and made available as part of the Virtual Library of Historical Newspapers project.
>> Europeana, 2014-03-25 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
IFLA submission to EU Copyright Consultation now available online
The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) submitted a response to the Public Consultation on the Review of EU Copyright Rules. IFLA believes a balanced copyright reform should provide sufficient protections for EU creative industries without restricting essential research and development, and access to information in the public interest.
>> IFLA, 2014-03-12 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
SPARC Europe welcomes the new UK Open Access policy
The Higher Education Funding Council for England has announced the final form of the Open Access policy that will apply to research outputs. This policy requires all journal articles and peer-reviewed conference papers to be deposited in a repository at the time of acceptance for publication, and made Open Access as soon as possible.
>> SPARC Europe, 2014-04-01 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |