ISO Technical Committee 46 (TC46) 2014 Meeting
Gaëlle Becquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre has chaired the 41st ISO/TC 46 Plenary Meeting on May 5 – 9, 2014 in Washington, D.C.
TC 46 is a worldwide gathering of experts and information specialists in records management, data exchange, metadata, and library and publishing systems.
>> NISO ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
UKSG: Presentation of ROAD, the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
>> UKSG, 2014-04-23 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
The 40th Anniversary of ISSN Canada
2014 marks the 40th anniversary of ISSN Canada, the Canadian national centre for ISSN. Forty years of successful cooperation among ISSN centres, and the sustained growth of the ISSN Network is an accomplishment worthy of pride and celebration for Library and Archives Canada (LAC).
>> Library and Archives Canada Blog, 2014-04-17 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
PIE-J Update and Request for Feedback
PIE-J, The Presentation & Identification of E-Journals, a NISO (National Information Standards Organization) Recommended Practice, was published just over a year ago. It provides much-needed guidance on the presentation of e-journals. Today, in order to continue improving this recommended practice, the Commitee would like to gather feedbacks from librarians, publishers and providers who have used PIE-J. Regina Romano Reynolds, Director of the U.S. ISSN Center is a member of the PIE-J Standing Commitee.
>> The MARquee, 2014-04-26 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Publishing Industry
WHO commits to open access by joining Europe PubMed Central
The World Health Organization (WHO) announced it will become a member of the open access repository Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC). Europe PMC will provide the platform for researchers to freely access and reuse WHO-authored and WHO-funded research.
>> Welcome Trust, 2014-05-01 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Open access monograph business models
Some of the main types of model to support the costs of publishing OA books are outlined, and examples of these models across the world are provided.
>> Insights, 2014-04-08 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Reinventing the Impact Factor for the 21st century
Phil Davis, a publishing consultant, describes how the journal Impact Factor is calculated and highlights its major weaknesses. He mostly focuses on how Thomson Reuters’ citation services could be reconfigured to more adequately satisfy the needs of publishers and editors.
>> The Scholarly Kitchen, 2014-04-28 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Study highlights academic journal publication models in Brazil and Spain
Brazil and Spain have developed successful open access models. A recent study analyses the delivery models adopted, and their success factors.
>> SciELO in Perspective, 2014-04-25 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Best Practice Guidelines on Publishing Ethics: A Publisher’s Perspective. Second Edition
The second edition of Wiley’s guidelines on publishing ethics is now available online, in Open Access. Its aim is to support all those involved in scholarly publishing with a summary of best practice guidance from leading organizations around the world.
>> Wiley, 2014 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Aligning Repository Networks Meeting 2014
In March 2014, the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) organized a meeting to discuss the alignment of open access repository networks across regions. The full meeting report is now available.
>> COAR, 2014-04-25 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
The BnF transforms the visibility of its resources with linked open data
Data.bnf.fr is an open data project launched in July 2011 based on semantic web standards and tools. Agnès Simon, its Product Manager, talks about the problems encountered, the solutions found and tells us more about this project’s goals.
>> The European Library, 2014-04-23 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
EBSCO Opens Metadata to Third-Party Discovery Services
EBSCO Information Services announced a new policy on metadata sharing that will make all metadata for 129 of its full-text databases, more than 550,000 ebooks and more than 70 historical digital archives available to third-party discovery services.
>> The Digital Shift, 2014-05-01 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
As researchers turn to Google, libraries navigate discovery tools
Many professors and students gravitate to Google as a gateway to research. Libraries want to offer them a comparably simple and broad experience for searching academic content. As a result, a major change is under way in how libraries organise information.
>> University World News, 2014-04-04 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
A first glance into the future of EU Copyright reform?
A draft version of the European Commission’s impact assessment on copyright reform is circulating online. Whilst the final report is to be published, Paul Keller, Vice Chair of Kennisland shares his thoughts on this crucial document.
>> Europeana, 2014-05-06 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
EU rejects international solution to library and archive copyright problems; causes collapse of WIPO meeting
The European Union has blocked the discussions at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Standing Committee on Copyright & Related Rights (SCCR). The libraries and archives organisations present at the 27th meeting of the SCCR have put on a joint press release, expressing their frustration and disappointment with the EU, and rallying European libraries and archives to reach out to their policy makers asking the EU to take a more nuanced approach to the discussions.
>> IFLA, 2014-05-06 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Danish library collections now discoverable worldwide in real time through WorldCat
Dansk Bibliotekscenter (DBC) is partnering with OCLC to synchronize DANBIB, the Danish national union catalogue, with WorldCat, making real-time updates that will result in faster visibility of the collections around the world through leading websites and search engines.
>> OCLC eNews, 2014-04-24 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
Tell us what you want, what you really, really want: a blank page approach to reviewing serial subscriptions
Helen Adey, Resource Acquisitions & Supply Team Manager at Nottingham Trent University, gives an insight on her university’s different approach of serial reviews.
>> UKSG, 2014-04-23 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |
OCLC releases WorldCat Works as linked data
OCLC has made 197 million bibliographic work descriptions—WorldCat Works—available as linked data, a format native to the Web that will improve discovery of library collections through a variety of popular sites and Web services.
>> OCLC, 2014-04-28 ![](https://www.issn.org/wp-content/extensions/newsletter/emails/themes/issn/images/filet-long.jpg) |