International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


CLOCKSS provides 2020 annual update




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CLOCKSS, aka Controlled LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), participates in the Keepers Registry as a preservation agency. New reports are made available to the Keepers Registry every begining of the month. Here are some highlights of the previous twelve months.

The CLOCKSS Archive has grown by 4.9 million journal articles, to 38.1 million, and by 14,000 books, to 200,000. The journal growth includes over 2 million new articles, plus almost 3 million backfile articles. In 2020, CLOCKSS is striving to maintain the increased pace of content ingest, to continuously improve the service provided to libraries and publishers, and to consider new strategic preservation initiatives that may be of value to the community.