International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera: A Story of Pirate Publishers, ISSN Hijacking and Fraudulent DOI Assignment

In 2017, The Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera published its final issue. The journal’s website was turned off and all 49 volumes were made freely available on BHL. Five yars later, a “bad actor” had resurrected the Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera website and had been using the journal’s title and ISSN to publish 260 fraudulent new articles. In January 2022, in consultation with ISSN USA, the ISSN Portal record for this ceased journal was updated to describe this situation. In an ideal world, publishers would inform their ISSN Centre or a depository library if they are ceasing publication to prevent ISSN hijacking. The ISSN Portal subscribers will see a note explaining if there has been an misappropriation. Read the full story of this case study.

ISSN IC @ Charleston Conference

The 2022 Charleston Conference will be held both in person (November 1 – 4) and online (November 14 – 18).

Gaelle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, will participate in the session: Making Preservation Inevitable along with Jason Colman, University of Michigan and  Mikael Laakso, Hanken School of Economics. She will describe the roles that indexing services, hosting platforms, and preservation services can play in improving the long-term availability of Open Access journals.

Gaëlle Béquet and Ana Maria Cetto, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, will also participate in the session Separating the wheat from the chaff: How to identify quality open access journals? The presentation will be a roundtable discussion of the Interacademy Partnership (IAP) report‘s recommendations and their impact if any on current and future DOAJ, Latindex and ROAD selection practices.

Journals preserved or how to turn Diamond into JASPER

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of ISSN International Centre, published an article in UKSG Insights about the JASPER project. Open access journals are poorly preserved, as shown by two recent studies based on an analysis of titles indexed by DOAJ. This worrying finding has motivated DOAJ, CLOCKSS, Keepers Registry, Internet Archive and Public Knowledge Project to join forces to propose an archiving solution for journals without article processing charges. The JASPER project resulted in the creation of a tool and a workflow allowing the preservation of a dozen journals. The next step is to go to scale (more journals archived, more agencies involved), conditioned subject to the mobilization of external funding.

Identifying OA Journals: A Core Business of the ISSN Network

The ISSN International Centre and its Network launched the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources in 2013. ROAD is a free service that received a grant from the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO at its inception. It is now included in the ISSN Portal and it provides metadata related to 5 types of multidisciplinary, open access resources, i.e. journals, monographic series, scholarly blogs, academic repositories and conferences proceedings. In 2021, ROAD selection criteria were revised to tighten up inclusion in the service and to counter some improprieties.

Beyond the issue of OA scholarly resources and their selection, this presentation at IFLA 2022 in Dublin is the opportunity to learn more about the ISSN Network and especially about ISSN Ireland which is hosted by the National Library of Ireland.

Digitalisation des services éditoriaux de la bibliothèque nationale : Les acteurs de la chaîne du livre s’imprègnent de la réforme

Le Directeur général de la Bibliothèque Nationale du Bénin (BNB), Monsieur Koffi ATTEDE, s’est entretenu le 7 septembre 2022 avec les acteurs de la chaîne du livre et les professionnels des médias sur l’ensemble des réformes entreprises pour la modernisation de la structure.
Pour les participants, c’était l’occasion de se familiariser avec les nouvelles modalités d’obtention des numéros ISBN, ISSN et dépôt légal. Cette plateforme numérique de fourniture et de paiement en ligne des identifiants et du dépôt légal est accessible à cette adresse: Un tutoriel explique le processus.
Pour le Directeur général de la BNB, cette réforme numérique de l’identification des livres et périodiques à la Bibliothèque nationale du Bénin répond à un besoin spécifique important : faciliter l’accès aux services de qualité de la BNB partout dans le monde.


Participation of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Mostar summer fest 2022 with an exhibition “From the Mostar Periodicals: 1876-1918”

The National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina is proud to announce its participation in the program of this year’s Mostar summer fest 2022 with the exhibition “From Mostar periodicals 1876-1918” curated by Anja Mastilović, Head of the Periodicals Department and the Curator of the Collection of Old Periodicals in NULB&H. The exhibition was officially opened by the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, Rešid Hadžović, and the assistant to the Federal Minister of Education and Science, Jasmin Branković, and the Director of the Museum of Herzegovina, Asim Krhan. Also, the Head of the procurement, processing, periodicals and official publications sector of the NULBBIH, Adisa Žero, on behalf of the Director of the NULBBIH, Dr. Ismet Ovčina, especially welcomed all those present and emphasized the importance of the exhibited material.