International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Core Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee Update Forum


The Core Continuing Resources Cataloging Committee (CRCC) invites anyone involved with continuing resources to attend their longstanding, popular CRCC Forum. This annual event offers a venue for catalogers and serialists to gather and share ideas and updates within the continuing resources community.

Scheduled are: Regina Reynolds, Director, U.S. ISSN Center at the Library of Congress; Paul Frank & Melanie Polutta, both with Policy, Training, and Cooperative Programs Division, Library of Congress; Hien Nguyen, CONSER Coordinator, Cooperative Programs and Policy Section Head, Library of Congress; and Steve Shadle, Head of Serials Cataloging, University of Washington, who will present on the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)

Save the date and register: February 24, 2022, 11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. PST (2:00 p.m-3:30 p.m. EST).

JASPER project: an update

Project JASPER was launched in November 2020 by DOAJ, CLOCKSS, Internet Archive, Keepers Registry and Public Knowledge Project to start addressing the problem of journals disappearing from the web, a phenomenon evidenced by research. ISSN International Centre’s partner, DOAJ, is keen to update the community on the progress to date. The project’s testing phase was launched, with the establishment and development of a process to ingest journal titles and the sustained commitment of the founding organisational partners; PKP has updated the documentation about the Open Journal System preservation features and Internet Archive has joined Keepers Registry. The project partners are now poised to include more journals and more preservation agencies.

ISSN International Centre at the ISNI Library Sector Open Meeting

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of ISSN International Centre, and Nathalie Cornic, Head of Metadata and Technical Coordination of the ISSN Network, participated in the first ISNI Library Sector Open Meeting held on 28th October 2021. Organized by the ISNI Library Sector Steering Group, the aim of the meeting was to coordinate the ISNI library-focused community as a forum for understanding library priorities for the ISNI standard, and to identify tangible actions that can move members jointly toward accomplishing shared goals. The areas of  interest identified included technical improvements on APIs and de-duplication of ISNIs; documentation on matching rules; sharing best practices and workflows, such as the use of ISNIs in authority control; and opportunities for member collaboration.

ISSN International Centre participates in the Task & Finish Group for PIDs Risks and Trust

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of ISSN Internatinal Centre, is participating in this group led by Knowledge Exchange representatives Frank Manista (Jisc) and Josefine Nordling (CSC).

Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) and their infrastructures are of significant strategic importance to research. To better understand what is needed to build and exploit a well-functioning PID infrastructure for research, Knowledge Exchange(KE) is conducting an in-depth investigation on PIDs, with the aim of producing recommendations for those stakeholders involved. A scoping document was written in June 2021 by experts of the Task & Finish Group for PIDs Risks and Trust.

ISSN International Centre and the Finnish National Library to present a discussion paper at MAC (MARC Advisory Committee) on 26 January 2022

This paper considers options for adding new subfields to the existing field 856 (Electronic Location and Access) in order to establish a subfield for persistent identifiers (PIDs): ARK, DOI, Handle and URN; also to allow separation of functional and dead URL addresses including valid and confirmed Web archive addresses for the latter. The paper also provides a place for indicating date ranges for relevant archived content. Finally, this paper explains the need for specifying file formats for archived content more precisely. This can be accomplished by making 856 $q repeatable.

The ISSN International Centre is a sponsor of 2021 FORCE11 Online Conference

The ISSN International Centre is glad to support the 2021 FORCE11 Online Conference as Platinum Sponsor. This conference focused on a number of relevant topics for the ISSN Network, e.g. Research assessment, Scholarly communications role in the sustainable development goals, Governance of open science and Science discoverability.

Dr. Gaelle Bequet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, gave a presentation on 8 December 2021 about the Project JASPER that aims to provide sustainable archiving solutions for OA journals.

The conference program is available at

The Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford endorses the Keepers Registry Statement (November 2nd 2021)

The ISSN International Centre is glad to announce that the Bodleian Libraries of the University of Oxford – Open Scholarship Support have just endorsed the July 2016 statement Working together to Ensure the Future of the Digital Scholarly Records that summarizes the principles that guide Keepers Registry’s development.

The Bodleian Libraries (UK) is the latest to join all those that have already shown their support for KR, namely the Library of Congress (USA), Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (USA), International Alliance of Research Library Associations, Ivy Plus Libraries Collections Group (USA), Rede Cariniana Network (IBICT, Brazil), Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries (COPPUL) (Canada), Pacific and Regional Archive for Digital Sources in Endangered Cultures (PARADISEC, Australia), King’s College London (UK) and Faculdad de Ciencias De La Comunicacion Turismo Y Psicologia (Peru).

ISSN IC participated in Challenges in the Scholarly Publishing Cycle (CISPC) webcast series

The CISPC 2021 event comprises a series of three free-to-view webcasts reflecting current ‘hot topics’ in scholarly publishing. The webcast series, featuring high-level speakers from the world of scholarly communications, will also be available to watch on ‘catch-up’ for the following 12 months.

The ISSN IC Director, Dr. Gaelle Bequet, was a panelist on CISPC 2021 webinar held remotely on 2 December 2021 about Sustainable development goals and scholarly communications. This one-hour panel discussion’s goal was to find out why (and how) libraries, research bodies and publishers alike should embrace the UN’s sustainable development goals to benefit the global community.

ISSN IC sponsors this professional event that includes more webinars about Diversity in academic publishing and The future of hybrid events.