International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

ROAD Dataset now available in KBART version

The ISSN International Centre has set up a KBART (Knowledge Bases and Related Tools) version of the free MARC data describing ROAD records, i.e. OA scholarly resources. This data is made available on BACON and can be reused under a CC0 license. KBART is a widely-used NISO Recommended Practice that facilitates the transfer of holdings metadata from content providers to knowledge base suppliers and libraries.

You can download ROAD records as a .csv file or as a json file.

Building bridges between continuous resource records / Construire des ponts entre les notices de ressources continues

Interconnection between the major national catalogues and the possibilities it offers for bouncing between different collections and bibliographic databases are at the heart of current Abes developments in terms of access to bibliographic resources. In order to facilitate cross-over uses, the interconnection of Sudoc and BnF catalogues has been strengthened by using the ARK identifier adopted by BnF.

Since March 2021, the ISSN International Centre/CIEPS has also implemented a direct link between ISSN Portal records and Sudoc localised records, an approach based on a comparable technical principle:

It is now envisaged to create this same reverse link, i.e. from Sudoc records to those of the ISSN Portal. Insofar as the reciprocal link already exists between the records in the BnF Catalogue and those in ISSN Portal, this would further strengthen the “virtuous circle” created between the three managing bodies, all three of which are involved in the creation and improvement of reliable bibliographic data on continuing resources, resources that are complex to describe and, moreover, evolving.

ISSN Philippines will launch its online application system on 25 June 2021

The ISSN National Centre of the Philippines will launch its International Standard Numbering System – Philippines Online Application System (INS-POAS) on 25 June 2021 through a recorded video which will be uploaded in the  National Library of the Philippines (NLP) website and Facebook page. INS-POAS is a web application system for Philippine publishers, accessible through the link:

The ISSN National Centre of the Philippines started operating in late 1975 with the National Science Development Board (NSDB) as the National Center. In 1981, the ISSN National Center was transferred to the National Library as part of its integrated bibliographic services. This is in keeping with the internationally accepted practice of establishing national centres within the framework of national libraries together with the national agency for ISBN as part of its supportive programs.

Cidemis version 3.0.0 : des améliorations à l’écoute des besoins des utilisateurs / Cidemis version 3.0.0: improvements to listen to users’ needs

En production depuis 2015, l’application professionnelle CIDEMIS – Circuit des Demandes ISSN est un outil de workflow dédié aux demandes de correction/numérotation ISSN des ressources continues signalées dans le Sudoc. Il a été conçu afin de fluidifier les échanges entre les bibliothèques membres des réseaux Sudoc/Sudoc-PS, le CIEPS et les différents Centres ISSN, notamment le Centre ISSN France. Il restait cependant à développer certaines améliorations demandées à plusieurs reprises par les responsables des Centres du Réseau Sudoc-PS, principaux utilisateurs de Cidemis en dehors du CIEPS et des centres qu’il coordonne. Ainsi, la page d’accueil a été revisitée, un nouveau workflow d’envoi automatisé de courriels va simplifier le suivi du traitement des demandes. Enfin, un processus de contrôle bibliographique renforcé a été mis en place.

In production since 2015, the professional application CIDEMIS – Circuit des Demandes ISSN is a workflow tool dedicated to ISSN correction/numbering requests for continuing resources reported in Sudoc. It was designed to facilitate exchanges between the member libraries of the Sudoc/Sudoc-PS networks, CIEPS and the various ISSN Centres, in particular the ISSN Centre France. However, certain improvements requested on several occasions by the heads of the Sudoc-PS Network Centres, the main users of Cidemis outside CIEPS and the centres it coordinates, still needed to be developed. Thus, the home page has been revisited, and a new workflow for sending automated e-mails will simplify the follow-up of the processing of requests. Finally, a reinforced bibliographic control process has been put in place.

ISSN IC Director to chair 2021 ISO TC46 Annual Meeting (10-20 May 2021, remote)

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, will chair the 2021 ISO TC46 Annual Meeting that will take place remotely due to the pandemic. Several working groups will convene to make progress on developing standards regarding information and documentation. All subcommittees will hold plenaries and vote resolutions to define their workplan for the year to come.

ISSN IC Director to co-lead EOSC Task Force on PID Policy and Implementation

Gaëlle Béquet, ISSN IC Director, will co-lead the European Open Science Cloud PID Task Force that will monitor and provide community feedback on the implementation of the PID policy and Architecture. The EOSC initiative will offer researchers a virtual environment with open and seamless services for storage, management, analysis and re-use of research data across borders and scientific disciplines by federating existing data infrastructures.

ISSN IC to participate in ABES Regional Centres Annual Meeting

The French Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education (ABES) organises every year the SUDOC PS Network Meeting with university librarians specialized in serial identification and cataloguing. Nathalie Cornic, Head of the Metadata and Technical Coordination of the ISSN Network, will participate in SUDOC PS Network Meeting to be held on 30 May 2024. She will provide an update about the participation of the ISSN Network in CIDEMIS, the Dematerialized CIrcuit of ISSN Requests, designed to manage ISSN assignment and modification requests for continuous resources reported in the Sudoc union catalogue. A presentation of the latest projects run by ISSN International Centre is also on the agenda.

Look at the programme.