International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

ISSN IC will attend COASP

Nathalie Cornic, Head of Metadata and Technical Coordination of the ISSN Network Department, will attend OASPA Online Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing 2020, to be held from Tuesday 22 – Thursday 24 September 2020. The full program is now available.

ISSN IC will participate in RDA satellite meeting on 15 September 2020

Deanna White, Project Officer, and Mikael Wettertrom, Metadata Specialist, will attend the virtual meeting RDA in Europe, which will be held on 15 September 2020. Originally intented to be a satellite meeting from the cancelled WLIC2020, the meeting will revise case studies on adaptations of the new 3R RDA, in its first part, and will address some practical approaches to RDA (application profiles use, RDA and MARC..).

Please register (free) and access the programme.

This event is organized by IFLA Cataloguing Section, jointly with the RDA Steering Committee and the European RDA Interest (EURIG).

ISSN Portal records linked to those of Mir@bel

Created in France in 2009 by library and documentation professionals, Mir@bel aims to enhance the content of scientific periodicals accessible online. Mir@bel facilitates access to journals by providing links to full text online, abstracts, summaries or article indexing and allows you to bounce back to many complementary sites.

The ISSN Portal exposes its data in linked open data. From now on, nearly 15,600 records of the Mir@bel portal are linked to the records of the corresponding resources of the ISSN Portal.

Discover these records:[]=MUST=srcname=MIRABEL

Technical Advisory Committee of the Keepers Registry : Looking for volunteer representatives

The ISSN International Centre has been contributing to the Keepers Registry ( since its inception and started hosting it on the ISSN Portal in December 2019.

Keepers Registry acts as a global monitor on the archiving arrangements for digital and digitized continuing resources.

The ISSN International Centre wants to set up a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) that will meet twice a year, oversee the development of the service and submit plans to the ISSN IC Governing Board. Core TAC membership is to comprise three representatives from the Keeper organisations and three volunteers from the user community, i.e. representatives from libraries’ and/or publishers’ associations, plus the ISSN IC Director (ex officio).

If digital preservation and serial publishing are key issues for the association you represent and you want to share ideas and opportunities, please contact Gaelle Bequet ( to submit your candidacy for the TAC. ​

ABES exposes ISSN data: some news about free metadata within ISSN records

Since its inception, Sudoc (the collective catalogue of French academic libraries)  has been supplied with records of the ISSN Register. The partial release of ISSN data since January 2018 now allows a wider exposure of these data to ABES users. ABES (the French Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education) can now expose in RDF key ISSN data released as Linked Open Data, via the Sudoc catalogue from the perennial URL of the record. ABES reaffirms that the widest possible opening up of the data is one of the main thrusts of its developments in the coming years. The unique collaboration between ISSN International Centre and ABES for the production and management of bibliographic data with high added value must be enhanced by the widest possible exposure, and ABES will endeavour, in the years to come, to further promote these developments.

[Article in French]

Second FDIS ballot for ISO standard 3297

ISO standard 3297 – ISSN is currently undergoing a systematic revision process which is about to be terminated with a second FDIS ballot that opened on June 26th, 2020 and will close on August 21st. Through this ballot, ISO member organisations will vote on the amendments to the ISSN standard and approve the publication of the sixth version of the standard.