International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

ISSN IC and ORCID join efforts to provide enhanced information services to the scholarly community

The International Standard Serial Number International Centre (ISSN IC) partnership with ORCID has resulted in improved accessibility and easier discovery of authoritative information about academic journals and where scholarly articles are published.

ORCID utilizes the machine readable ISSN Portal, building upon its existing functionality, to look up journal names at the authoritative source and display that data within ORCID records. Notably this new functionality better connects researchers with their peer review activity, allowing scientific publishers to acknowledge the huge amount of effort put in by researchers. The ORCID registry currently has a total of 1,528,407 peer reviews linked to 28,407 different ISSNs. This number will grow in the near future.

Notice to ISSN International Centre clients

Due to the pandemic of COVID-19 in France and the measures imposed by the French authorities to limit contagion, ISSN International Center staff work from home.

In the current circumstances, we kindly advise you, whenever possible, to pay your ISSN credits and your subscriptions to the ISSN International Center services by credit card in order to facilitate the management of your requests.

You can still pay invoices by bank transfer. However, we are not in a position to guarantee the usual processing time for your requests and the rapid availability of your ISSN credits.

We apologize for these temporary inconveniences.

ISO standard 3297 to go through a second FDIS vote in 2020

The two resolutions submitted to vote by ISO TC46/SC9 regarding ISO standard 3297 were officially approved by 20 national standard bodies on March 17th, 2020. A final draft of ISSN standard will be balloted by ISO in the coming weeks.

ISSN General Assembly will take place as online meetings in April-May 2020

Due to the COVID-19 global outbreak and health and social measures imposed by several national authorities, the ISSN Governing Board and the ISSN Member Countries voted to cancel all in-person meetings and the International Conference that were to take place in Paris in April 2020.

Instead of the General Assembly in-person meeting, the ISSN International Centre will organize distant meetings.

The ISSN IC continues to operate during the COVID-19 crisis

The ISSN International Centre operates remotely and responds to all your requests concerning the use of its services (ISSN Portal, Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, Keepers Registry, Enhanced Transfer Alerting Service, ISSN assignments to serials and continuing resources). Do not hesitate to contact us by email or via Facebook and Twitter.

Notice to publishers requesting ISSN assignments from ISSN National Centres

Due to the COVID-19 global outbreak and health and social measures imposed by many national authorities, ISSN National Centres and their hosting institutions may encounter technical and operational issues. This particular situation may have an impact on the timely management of publishers’ ISSN requests and ISSN assignments. Unfortunately, the ISSN International Centre cannot currently replace impacted ISSN National Centres and manage all ISSN requests and assignments. If ISSN National Centres and their hosting institutions are temporary closed due to this crisis, the ISSN International Centre invites publishers to be patient and renew their requests regularly. We thank you for your understanding.

ISSN National Centres staying the course during these turbulent times

Due to the covid-19 outbreak, and measures imposed by national authorities, ISSN National Centres may encounter technical and operational issues. This may have an impact on the management of ISSN requests, assignments and portal updates. Some centres have staff working from home, but we are doing our best to keep everything running. Thank you for your understanding!

Keepers Registry on the ISSN portal

The Keepers Registry is now available on the ISSN portal.

As of December 2019, the ISSN International Centre is the sole operator of the Keepers Registry. This service aggregates preservation metadata to ISSN descriptive metadata to report about the archival status of digital journals. The Keepers Registry is now fully integrated with the ISSN Portal. The latter provides a complete and accurate overview of a serial title’s journey from initial publication to transfer of responsibility and to long-term preservation by archiving agencies. The ISSN Portal can thus be seen as an authoritative database for serial title identification and tracking.

Service featured at 2020 Electronic Resources & Libraries Annual Conference (Austin, TX, USA, March 8-11, 2020)

Jennifer Bazeley, E-Resources Metadata Management Librarian, Yale University Library, will present NISO Transfer Code of Practice ( and the related Transfer Alerting Service managed by the ISSN International Centre since 2018. The Electronic Resources & Libraries Annual Conference will take place in Austin, TX, USA on March 8-11, 2020.