International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

The Director of ISSN International Centre will chair the Serials and Other Continuing Resources session at IFLA 2019

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, and Margaret Mering, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, USA, will chair IFLA session 208 regarding Serial, Continuing Resource and Scholarly Communication Related Standards – Serials and Other Continuing Resources. Several topics will be addressed during this 2 hour session, among which the revision of the ISSN standard, application of the LRM model to continuing resources and  interoperability of metadata schemes.

The ISSN International Centre will attend COASP

The 11th Conference on Open Access Scholarly Publishing (COASP) will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark from 24-26 September 2019. Nathalie Cornic, Head of the Metadata and Technical Coordination of the ISSN Network Department, will attend the conference. This is the opportunity for ISSN International Centre to hear about new trends in Open Access, all of which might interest the development of ROAD, the ISSN Directory of Open Access Resources.

The OASPA annual conference is a major scholarly publishing conference that brings the open access community together to discuss new developments and innovations in scholarly publishing and share common goal to enable research around the world to be openly accessible. This year, the opening panel of the conference will be chaired by Robert Kiley (Head of Open Research, Wellcome Trust), who will mediate a discussion between representatives of international funders with an extended Q&A.

The programme is online.

Continuation of the service Keepers’ Registry (

ISSN International Centre and EDINA at the University of Edinburgh, have agreed to collaborate to postpone the retirement of Keepers Registry.  Keepers Registry has been a Jisc funded service for the UK Higher Education sector from 2016 to 2019, but this funding will cease in July 2019.  Jisc are thanked for their funding of the service over many years.

The ISSN International Centre and its Governing Board value the Keepers Registry as part of the global identification infrastructure for serials and wish to continue to make its functionality and content available for the UK and international communities of libraries, publishers and scholars. To maintain this valuable service, ISSN International Centre aims to provide a new service from December 2019.  To facilitate this development, funding for EDINA to run the current service until the end of November 2019 is to be provided by the ISSN International Centre and the Keepers Agencies.

ISSN International Centre to attend the 2nd International ISNI Summit for Libraries (Paris, 26-27 June 2019)

Pierre Godefroy, Head of Information Systems Department, and Nathalie Cornic, Head of the Metadata and Technical Coordination of the ISSN Network Department, will attend the 2nd International ISNI Summit for Libraries. Organized by the Bibliothèque nationale de France and the British Library under the auspices of CENL (Conference of European National Librarians), this summit will take place on 26-27 June 2019 at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris. The aim of this meeting is to bring together ISNI adopters/users in the library sector worldwide to share their experiences in implementing ISNI.  It also aims to introduce diverse use cases and explore ways in which libraries can build stronger collaborations in order to coordinate the library sector representation in the future development and governance of ISNI.

Regina Romano Reynolds, Head of the US ISSN Centre, gave a presentation at 2019 NASIG Annual Conference

Regina Romano Reynolds, Director of the U.S. ISSN Center and Head of the ISSN Section at the Library of Congress, gave a presentation at NASIG Annual Conference on 6 June 2019. During the session entitled Minding Your Ps and Qs: Predatory Journals, Piracy, and Quality Questions, Reynolds recounted the experiences of ISSN staff on the front lines of dealing with the full range of new publishers. She also explored the broader questions raised by the predatory publishing phenomenon. Her presentation is available online.  

ISSN Portal’s New Logo

Since January 2018, the ISSN International Centre has continuously been improving the ergonomy, the layout and the design of the ISSN Portal, that offers enriched and linked information to its subscribers. A logo for the ISSN Portal has been created and is now displayed on the banner of the ISSN Portal home page (

ISSN IC to participate in SUDOC Regional Centres Annual Meeting (Montpellier, France, May 27th, 2019)

The ISSN International Centre has been invited to participate in ABES Annual Conference. Nathalie Cornic, Head of Metadata and Technical Coordination of the ISSN Network, will give a joint presentation with Philippe Cantié, Head of ISSN France, about the contribution of the ISSN Network in CIDEMIS. This professional application, whose acronym means Dematerialized CIrcuit of ISSN Requests, is designed to automate the management of ISSN assignment and modification requests for continuous resources reported in the SUDOC. A presentation about the latest developments of the ISSN Portal is also on the agenda.

New application to support ISBN/ ISSN assignment launched at the National Library of Nigeria

The National Library of Nigeria (NLN) launched a new application for the assignment of international standard numbers (ISSN and ISBN) on 11 May 2019 during the Nigeria International Book Fair (NIBF).

Prof. Lenrie Olatokunbo Aina, Chief Executive Officer of the National Library Of Nigeria, explains that this application will enable librarians and publishers to track the level of legal deposit compliance, a precondition for further issuance of new standard numbers.

Conference aboud Identifiers held by the National Book Chamber of Moldova (18 April 2019, Chisinau)

On April 18th, 2019, the National Book Chamber of the Republic of Moldova (NBCRM) and ISSN National Centre for Moldova organized a conference-meeting entitled: National editorial system – the National Book Chamber: Interactions and paradigms. The event was supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, in partnership with the Moldovan Publishers Association, the Institute for Information Society Development (IDSI), and Andrei Lupan Scientific Library (Institute).

The event included an update for stakeholders regarding ISSN, as well as other identifiers such as ISBN and ISMN, and sessions where the attendees reported back on the current status of publishing from their own perspectives.

The full press release (in English) from the conference can be downloaded here.