International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

The ISSN IC @ 2018 Wikicite Conference (Berkeley 27-29 November)

WikiCite 2018 is a 3-day conference, summit, and hack day dedicated to the vision of creating an open repository of bibliographic data to support the citation and fact-checking needs of Wikimedia projects, and possibly, to serve as an open infrastructure for research, education, and information quality across the web. The ISSN IC Head of Information systems will make a presentation about the new ISSN Portal and investigate further cooperation with Wikidata.

The Spanish ISSN Centre celebrates its 40th anniversary

On November 15, 1978, an agreement was signed between the National Library of Spain and the ISSN International Centre to create the Spanish ISSN Centre. As of November 1st, 2018, the number of Spanish records in the ISSN database exceeds 60,000, of which 8,893 describe electronic serial publications. An average of 1,500 ISSN are assigned each year by the Spanish centre.

[in Spanish]

ISSN and URN: Moving forward!

Juha Hakala, Senior advisor at The National Library of Finland, chair of ISO/TC 46/SC 4 on Technical interoperability and author of various IETF RFCs on the use of URN for the resolution of bibliographic identifiers (NBNs, ISBNs, ISSNs, …) is hosted by the ISSN IC for a two-day working session (November 20-21, 2018) on the practical implementation of URN resolution for ISSNs.

ISO signs two Registration Authority Agreements with the ISSN International Centre (October 2018)

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the ISSN International Centre (ISSN IC) have just signed two agreements stating that the ISSN IC is the Registration Authority responsible for the implementation of ISO 4 Information and documentation — Rules for the abbreviation of title words and titles of publications and ISO 3297 Information and documentation — International standard serial number (ISSN).

2018 STM Report heralds the development of ISSN Services  

In October 2018, the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers, the leading global trade association for academic and professional publishers, published its fifth edition of the report entitled The STM Report: An overview of scientific and scholarly publishing.

The 2018 STM Report mentions the ISSN as the key standard for the identification and description of continuing resources. The ISSN Portal ( and the new Enhanced Transfer Alerting Service (ETAS) hosted by the ISSN International Centre ( are also featured in the 2018 STM Report.

Enhanced Transfer Alerting Service (ETAS) now hosted by the ISSN International Centre

The Enhanced Transfer Alerting Service is a database containing information about journals which are transferred from one publisher to another when these publishers have agreed to comply with the Transfer Code of Practice available on NISO website (
Since September 10th, 2018, ETAS has been hosted by the ISSN International Centre. Alerts about new transfers are available via a mailing list and a RSS feed.