International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

The 49th meeting of the Directors of ISSN National Centres will be held in Tunis, Tunisia

The 49th ISSN Centre Directors’ Meeting is being held from October 21-24, 2024 in Tunis, Tunisia, at the kind invitation of the National Library of Tunisia.

The ISSN International Centre, located in Paris, France, has put together a dense agenda of presentations that will be attended by 60 participants from various continents.

This annual meeting of ISSN National Centre Directors is an opportunity for colleagues from ISSN Network Member Countries to exchange information on their activities, foster cooperation and participate in workshops.

Training will be provided by the ISSN International Centre team in the use of its up-to-date metadata production tool which has been upgraded regularly since its launch in June 2022. This tool is the production base underlying the ISSN portal, the global index for continuing resources (

A warm welcome to all delegates of the ISSN Network !

The ISSN International Centre Participated in the Meeting of Information Science Journals of Mercosur and the International Forum of Scientific Journal Editors Organized by IBICT (Brasilia, September 10-13, 2024)

The Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) is organizing two events related to scientific publications. Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, has been invited by the Director of IBICT to present a paper on persistent identifiers and on the article she published in the International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Management.

The program for these conferences is available.

The ISSN International Centre Will Participate in the Latindex Meeting (Madrid, September 16-19, 2024)

Prof. Ana María Cetto, President of Latindex, has invited Gaëlle Béquet to participate in the session on persistent identifiers and digital archiving during the annual meeting of Latindex members, which will be held in Madrid this year. The other speakers in this session will be John Kunze from the California Digital Library and Silvia Pérez from the Argentine Centre for Scientific and Technical Information.

The ISSN International Centre Will Participate in the IPres 2024 Conference (Ghent, September 16-20, 2024)

Gaëlle Béquet will give a presentation on the future development of the Keepers Registry service on Wednesday, September 18, during the IPres conference. This event provides a unique opportunity to meet with representatives of archiving agencies that may participate in this service, especially in priority areas such as Africa, Latin America, and Asia. The conference program is available.

Support the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Image illustrative de l'article Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire de Bosnie-Herzégovine

The Society of Librarians of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina fully supports the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina (NUB BiH). This library is crucial for preserving and archiving the country’s cultural and scientific heritage. It also produces the national bibliography and manages national agencies for ISSN, ISBN (International Standard Book Number), ISMN (International Standard Music Number).

Closing the National Library would disrupt publishing and academic progress, and hamper library cataloging. The Society urges leaders to prevent the library’s demise, which would fulfill the destructive goals of the 1992 war and devastate the nation’s cultural foundation.

Mes del Editor organizado por la Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia: ya está disponible el vídeo

La Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia está organizando una serie de eventos profesionales para los editores colombianos, que incluyen presentaciones sobre el ISSN, el ISBN, las mejores prácticas en bibliometría y la producción de metadatos de calidad. El vídeo de la conferencia (en español) está disponible aquí.

El Centro Internacional del ISSN en el Mes del Editor organizado por la Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia (4 de julio de 2024, en línea)

Gaëlle Béquet, Directora del Centro Internacional del ISSN, ha sido invitada a presentar las actividades del Centro y de la red ISSN en el evento organizado por la Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia para los editores colombianos. El programa del taller incluye también una presentación del identificador ISBN, buenas prácticas en bibliometría y producción de metadatos de calidad. Más información está disponible aquí.

Back from PIDFest (11-13 June 2024, Prague, Czechia)

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, and Carlos Authier, Director of ISSN Argentina, gave a joint presentation at the PIDFest conference organized in Prague by the National Library of Technology, which hosts ISSN Czech Republic. Their presentation was about the interoperability of ARK, ISNI, ISSN and URN identifiers.