International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

e-ISSN becomes a mandatory item according to Latindex new list of editorial quality criteria

Set online in 2002, Latindex Catalogo was created as a referral service specializing in editorial quality criteria applied to the evaluation of Spanish journals in Science and Technology. Those journals that are compliant with a minimum of the criteria established by Latindex are included in the catalog. Editorial features like content, editorial guidelines, and online presentation are checked. Since May 2017, online journals must have their own e-ISSN, additionally to their previously assigned print ISSN. This mandatory amendment was added to the new list of 38 editorial quality criteria decided by a group of 4 scholars members of the Latindex network, and approved during the last Latindex technical meeting held in September 2016.

IFLA Committee on Standards announced the publication of the PRESSOO model Version 1.3

PRESSOO is a formal ontology designed to represent the bibliographic information about continuing resources, and more specifically about serials (journals, newspapers, magazines, etc.). It is an extension of the FRBROO model (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records – Object Oriented). FRBROO is in turn is an extension of CIDOC CRM, the conceptual reference model for cultural heritage information. It has been developed by a working group made up of representatives of the ISSN International Centre, the ISSN Review Group and the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF), and is currently maintained by a dedicated Review Group under the auspices of IFLA Cataloguing section. PRESSoo version 1.0 underwent a world-wide review in 2015. The responses were studied and changes were made to the model in light of these responses. The current version of PRESSoo is version 1.3.

ISO TC46 to convene in Pretoria (South Africa) in May 2017

The annual plenary meeting of ISO Technical Committee 46 Information-Documentation was held in Pretoria (South Africa) from 22 to 26 May 2017 at the kind invitation of the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS). The revision of ISO 15836 (Dublin Core), the publication of the revised ISO 5127 (Information and documentation – Vocabulary), the preservation of digital records were among the main topics to be addressed during this meeting.

ISSN International Centre at the 19th Fiesole Collection Development Retreat

The ISSN International Centre participated in the 19th Fiesole Collection Development Retreat about the future of libraries, publishing, collections, and scholarship from the 19 to 21st of April 2017. This year’s theme was The Evolving Scholarly Environment. The 2017 Fiesole Retreat examined new technologies and business models, as well as the re-emerging role of collection development and librarianship in the continuing digital evolution of the scholarly ecosystem.

The presentations are now available online.

An OAI-PMH set for ISSN data at the Norwegian ISSN national centre

Data exchange between the Norwegian ISSN national centre at the National Library in Oslo and the ISSN International Centre in Paris is now based (since March 2017) on the OAI-PMH protocol. In this new framework, ISSN cataloguers in Norway directly produce ISSN records in the cataloguing environment of their institution; these records are automatically exposed through a dedicated “ISSN set” in MarcXML (Marc 21) through the library OAI-PMH server. This “ISSN set” is regularly harvested by the ISSN International Centre in order to feed directly the ISSN Register with the output.

This new workflow is similar to the one already set up last year at the German ISSN Centre at the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) in Frankfurt and paves the way for more streamlined contributions to the ISSN Register from other countries of the ISSN network.

The ISSN International Centre at 2017 ABES Annual Conference

The ISSN International Centre participated in the Annual Conference organized by the French Bibliographic Agency for Higher Education (ABES) in Montpellier (France) from 10 to 11th May 2017. ABES is the French public agency which creates and manages information systems and services for the French academic and research community. The presentations and videos of the plenary meetings are now available online.

On May 12th, the ISSN International Centre was represented at the Annual Meeting for managers of French regional centres specialized in serial identification (Centres SUDOC-PS). The current activities of the ISSN network were presented.

Revision of ISO 3297 – International Standard Serial Number voted by members of ISO TC46 /SC9

The Committee internal ballot on the revision of ISO 3297 was closed on April 9th, 2017 and the revision was approved by 17 members. WG5, the Working Group that will conduct any revision of ISO 3297, Information and documentation — International standard serial number (ISSN), thus has the permission of this committee to go ahead with a revision of the standard based on the results of the systematic review ballot. The scope of the standard remains unchanged. Ms. Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, will be the project leader. The timeline for the revision is 36 months.

A new ISSN Regional Centre to be set up in Eurasia

ISSN Regional Training and Information session, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, and Zhanat Seidumanov, Director of the National Library of Kazakhstan, Almaty, April 2017

A meeting was organized on April 3rd and 4th, 2017 at the National Library of Kazakhstan in Almaty between representatives of the ISSN International Centre, Belarus, Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation to discuss the terms under which a Regional Centre could be set up at the Russian ISSN Centre with the Book Chamber of Belarus and the National Library of Kazakhstan signing agreements with the Russian ISSN Centre. The Book Chamber of Belarus and the National Library of Kazakhstan have been attempting for several years to join the ISSN network but the two organizations have faced some administrative issues preventing them to be officially appointed by their governments. The Book Chamber of Russia became the 89th ISSN National Centre in 2015 after the official accession of Russia to the statutes of the ISSN International Centre. The Book Chamber of Belarus and the National Library of Kazakhstan are both convinced that serial publications published in their countries need to be better identified at the international level. They would like to enhance and speed up ISSN assignment to their national publications which are dealt with by the ISSN International Centre by getting more involved in the process. A formal agreement should be signed before September 2017.

ISSN IC institutional website in Spanish

Further to the ISSN Directors’ meeting that was held in Brasilia in November 2016, the ISSN International Centre decided to publish a Spanish version of its own website. The Spanish version of the institutional website is now online, thanks to the cooperation of our colleagues from the Spanish speaking National Centres.

The ISSN International Centre at a meeting with the Institut de l’Information scientifique et technique (INIST) on 14 March 2017

The ISSN International Centre team met with the director of INIST, Ms Dominique Wolf, and her colleagues to discuss about future cooperation. The first step is to involve INIST with the testing of the new Corporate extranet the ISSN International Centre is currently developing. The next steps could include joint participation in conferences to inform publishers about the operations of the ISSN network as well as greater cooperation regarding ISTEX and CONDITOR projects which are conducted by INIST and other French organisations.