International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Guadalajara International Book Fair

ISSN International Centre will attend the 30th Guadalajara International Book Fair (Feria Internacional del Libro) at booth GG26 from 27 to 30 November 2016.  The featured Guest of Honor this year is Latin America.

ISSN Germany to implement a new workflow from December 2016 on

The German ISSN Centre is hosted by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek. So far, ISSN have only been assigned by the ISSN German Centre upon requests from publishers. From December 2016 on, requests from publishers will still be processed. Furthermore, library staff employed at the DNB section for Acquisition and Cataloguing will assign ISSN to serials entering national collections via legal deposit. These serials will be recorded by DNB staff in the Zeitschriftsdatenbank, the union catalogue for serials holdings supported by 4,000 libraries across Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Serial records with ISSN will subsequently be retrieved and processed by ISSN Germany before they are provided to the ISSN International Centre via OAI-PMH. This challenging project is led by ISSN Germany in close cooperation with the ISSN International Centre.

For more details, read the paper Projekt  ISSN-Integration by Christian Schütz.


Preparatory meeting of the 41st Meeting of ISSN Directors includes representatives of Latin American countries

Official representatives of Latin American countries gathered on the 31th of August, at the headquarters of the Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), to attend the second preparatory meeting of the 41st Meeting of Directors of ISSN network. The preparatory meeting was meant to speed up and confirm the participation of Latin American countries that have not ensured their presence at the event to be held in Brasilia from 7 to 11 November 2016.

Article in Portuguese

The ISSN International Centre and the ISSN Russian Centre met with Russian publishers during Moscow Book Fair (8 September 2016)

Russian publishers answered a survey earlier this year about their needs and expectations regarding ISSN services. Representatives from the ISSN International Centre and the ISSN Russian Centre presented the findings of their survey and the on-going projects to develop their services for the publishing industry and the library community.

The meeting took place on September 8, 2016, at Moscow International Book Fair.

Questionable Practices in Scholarly Publishing: the Stance of the ISSN Network

The advent of Open Access publishing has been tainted by questionable practices favouring profit-generating activities over the advancement of sciences. The ISSN network has been faced since 2012 with ISSN requests lacking correct and verifiable information preventing the unambiguous identification of the publication. Some guidelines have been devised to handle these flawed requests.
The ISSN network advocates some educational action towards authors, editors and publishers to improve the quality of publications.

Article also available in PDF:

ROAD: the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources to Promote Open Access Worldwide

ROAD, the Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources, is a service implemented by the ISSN International Centre to provide a free access to a selection of worldwide, multidisciplinary scholarly resources in open access that have been identified by the ISSN Network. This paper details ROAD background, its innovative concept and how it is positioned in the open access ecosystem.

Article available in PDF published within the Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Electronic Publishing on IOS Press.

Working Together to Ensure the Future of the Digital Scholarly Record

EDINA and the ISSN International Centre are pleased to announce the publication of Working Together to Ensure the Future of the Digital Scholarly Record. This statement outlines the actions now required to tackle the evolving challenges of preserving and ensuring the long-term accessibility of digital scholarship.