International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

The Cariniana Network joins the Keepers Registry

The Cariniana Network is a distributed preservation network,  which provides long term preservation and access for Brazil’s scientific publications. The Cariniana Network’s parent organisation is the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), which plays a key role in promoting effective production, management and dissemination of information. In less than three years since it was created, the network already has around one thousand journals preserved.

About the Cariniana Network (English/Portuguese)

The latest issue of Ciência da Informação is online

Ciência da Informação,  the Brazilian Information Science journal published by IBICT (Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia / Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology), has just released a thematic issue about scientific mediation of information, in collaboration with ANCIB researchers (Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação / National Association of Research and Post-Graduation in Information Science).

The German National ISSN Centre has reorganized its ISSN workflows

The major change is that every publication in Germany falling under the scope of ISSN and catalogued by the German National Library (Deutsche National Bibliothek) will automatically receive an ISSN as part of the normal cataloguing workflow. This new workflow will start during Summer 2016.

During the workshop organized at the DNB in March, 2016 (on specific invitation), the major publishers and relevant stakeholders will be informed about the changes in the ISSN workflow. There will also be a general discussion about the use of ISSN by major publishers and their needs.

ALA Midwinter meeting, January 2016

Regina Romano Reynolds, Director of the US ISSN Centre, attended the ALA Midwinter meeting, held in Boston in January. She presented the challenge of change posed by the forthcoming revision of the ISSN standard.


ISSN IC and Spanish National ISSN Centre share a common project of retrospective ISSN assignment

The ISSN International Centre and the Spanish ISSN National Centre have recently completed a common project of semi-automated retrospective assignment of ISSN to bibliographic records from the Spanish Serials Union Catalogue (Catálogo Colectivo de Publicaciones Periódicas), which is managed at the National Library of Spain (Biblioteca Nacional de España). As a result, more than 10,737 ISSN records were added to the ISSN Register.

Russian ISSN Centre operational

The Federation of Russia has recently acceded to the Statutes of the International Centre for the registration of serial publications which was established in Paris as a result of an agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the French Republic. After signing the working agreement on December 3rd with the ISSN International Centre, the ISSN centre of the Federation of Russia is now operational and is hosted by the Russian Book Chamber in Moscow.


ROAD, the Directory of scholarly Open Access Resources, presented at UCL Centre for Publishing (London)


On 20th January, 2016, ROAD, the Directory of Scholarly Open Access Resources, was presented at UCL Centre for Publishing / Department of Information Studies / University College London, in the framework of a seminar around Discovery and Discoverability.

Delegates heard about enhancing discovery systems, how new tools are being deployed and used and how to make their content more findable. ROAD presentation made part of the case studies highlighted.

ROAD presentation is sharable on ISSN IC Slideshare.

ISSN Workshop report Keepers septembre 2015

On September 8th 2015, EDINA and the ISSN International Centre organised a workshop designed to explore the challenges of increasing preservation coverage of e-journals and related digital resources. A workshop report which documents the event is now available.