International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Preparatory meetings for the 25th General Assembly of the ISSN Network (May 14-24, 2024, remote)

The preparatory meetings for the 25th General Assembly of the ISSN Network will be held remotely in English, French and Spanish from May 14 to 24. Several topics are on the agenda, including the activity reports of the ISSN International Center for 2022 and 2023, its projects and partnerships, a presentation of the candidates for the next election of the Governing Board, and the ISSN International Centre Strategy 2025-2029.

Homenaje del Programa SciELO al 70º aniversario del Instituto Brasileño de Información en Ciencia y Tecnología (IBICT) / SciELO Program pays tribute to the 70th anniversary of the Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT)

Logo de IBICT

O Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT) celebra 70 anos de promoção do desenvolvimento nacional em pesquisa e ensino. Reconhecido por liderar iniciativas como a rede COMUT para acesso a artigos impressos e a adoção do acesso aberto à literatura científica, o IBICT é uma referência em Ciência Aberta. Com uma governança sólida e capacidade técnica destacada, tem sido fundamental na construção de políticas inclusivas e equitativas, considerando a diversidade do Brasil. O Programa SciELO se junta às homenagens, reconhecendo sua contribuição para o avanço do conhecimento científico e tecnológico em prol do desenvolvimento nacional.

The Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT) is celebrating 70 years dedicated to promoting the development of national research capacities and infrastructures in scientific and technical information management. Over these seven decades, IBICT has pioneered theories, methodologies, and technologies, democratizing scientific and technical information publication and access. It has led a library network facilitating national access to printed articles, implemented bibliographic databases, and embraced open access to scientific literature. IBICT stands out for its governance, transformative programs, operational innovations, and its contribution to Brazil’s scientific advancement. Congratulations to IBICT’s leadership and team for their historic achievements.

Identificadores Persistentes Alternativos: Dos soluciones basadas en ARK desarrolladas en Latinoamérica / Alternative Persistent Identifiers: Two ARK-based solutions developed in Latin America

Carlos Authier, Responsable del ISSN Argentina albergado por CAICYT-CONICET, y Coordinador Nacional de Latindex, participó en un seminario realizado en julio de 2023 sobre Identificadores Persistentes Alternativos. Se presentaron dos experiencias de implementación de ARK en la región latinoamericana. ARK-CAICYT es una plataforma de servicios para la asignación de identificadores persistentes, mientras que dARK es un servicio descentralizado y abierto de PID concebido desde sus inicios como un bien público para el ecosistema de Ciencia Abierta.

Carlos Authier, Head of the ISSN Argentina hosted by CAICYT-CONICET, and National Coordinator of Latindex, participated in a seminar held in July 2023 about Alternative Persistent Identifiers. Two implementation experiences of ARK in the Latin American region were presented. ARK-CAICYT is a service platform for assigning persistent identifiers, while dARK is a decentralized and open PID service conceived from the beginning as a public good for the Open Science ecosystem.


Ibict researcher is cited in Bill that updates the National Reading and Writing Policy

IMG - Ibict researcher is cited in Bill that updates the National Reading and Writing Policy

The article Professional profile of the librarian: current and desired, authored by Tainá Batista Assis, Head of ISSN Brazil (hosted by IBICT – Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia), was cited in the text as one of the bibliographic sources to support Bill PL 286. New information and communication technologies have changed the role of the librarian in society. The researcher’s article addresses the debate about librarians today and the desired profile for future work, highlighting the relevance of this professional’s role.

ISSN International Centre at BiblioCon, 04-07 June 2024, Hamburg, Germany

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of ISSN International Centre, is invited to participate in a panel discussion together with Ana Maria Cetto, Universidad Autónoma de México, Chair of the UNESCO Open Science Commission, and Sibylle Hermann, Information and Communication Centre of the University of Stuttgart. This session International perspectives on openness in science and information infrastructures will be held during the BiblioCon 2024 Conference that will take place from 4 to 7 June 2024 in Hamburg, Germany.
Based on the position paper Openness in Libraries, this roundtable will discuss experiences and developments from other regions of the world.

Look at the programme of the conference.

National Library of Spain (BNE) first library in Spain to join the Keepers Registry

To give libraries worldwide an overview of titles for which digital preservation is already being guaranteed or not, and who is responsible for it, the ISSN International Centre keeps a list, the Keepers Registry, integrated into the ISSN-Portal.

The Keepers Registry is a service that provides a public, global preservation registry of significant digital content of digital-born or digitised journals preserved by archival organisations. The Keepers Registry also provides the statistical basis for alerting libraries, publishers and other interested parties about digital material at risk of being lost. The BNE will regularly provide the ISSN International Centre with metadata about its contents in the Digital Periodical and Newspaper Library (Hemeroteca Digital) to be included in Keepers Registry. 

The Keepers Registry cooperates with the world’s most important academic libraries which have certified programmes for digital preservation. Among these are the Library of Congress, the National Library of France and the National Library of the Netherlands. 

Signalement des revues juridiques

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La Bibliothèque interuniversitaire Cujas a intégré les titres du corpus du plan de conservation partagée des périodiques PCP Droit dans Mir@bel. Dans ce cadre, 707 revues et 627 signalements d’accès en ligne ont été ajoutés en février 2024 à Mir@bel. Sur 707 revues, 48 ont fait l’objet d’une demande d’attribution d’ISSN, majoritairement auprès du centre ISSN France. Ce travail a permis d’améliorer la couverture de Mir@bel dans le domaine du droit, de vérifier les accès aux ressources déjà existants, et notamment de préciser les filiations entre les titres du corpus.

Ibict 70 years: a historical review of those who created the institute / Ibict 70 anos: um resgate histórico daqueles que fizeram o instituto

Cover of the book Ibict 70 years a historical reflection of those who created the institute, the background color of the cover is bluish, with some drawings of faces in the single line style.

Established in 1954, Ibict, which hosts ISSN Brazil, marks Brazil’s pioneering spirit in discussions related to Information Science. Its mission is to promote information infrastructure in science and technology. Counting on the valuable contribution of 22 directors, this book makes it possible to learn a little more about the impact of the management of former directors and what it was like to lead an institution that began its history as the Brazilian Institute of Bibliography and Documentation (IBBD) until it was consolidated as the current Ibict.