International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

ISSN IC attended the General Assembly of the International Internet Preservation Consortium (IIPC)

The International Internet Preservation Consortium held its General Assembly in Stanford, from April 27th to May 1st, 2015. The IIPC groups together around 50 organisations from more than 30 different countries; working collaboratively to build archives of internet content; to develop tools, standards and best practices, and to encourage heritage and research organisations to address Internet archiving and preservation issues. Clément Oury, Head of ISSN Data, Network and Standards Department, chaired a workshop on the revision of the WARC standard (ISO 28500:2009) used to store and preserve web archives and other types of digital content.

Participation to the UNESCO Expert Meeting on Digital Preservation Challenges held in Paris

UNESCO’s Knowledge Societies Division convened a Consultative meeting of experts, jointly with the International Council on Archives (ICA), the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) and the Netherlands National Commission for UNESCO, which took place on 20 and 21 April 2015, at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. Clément Oury contributes to the Content Task Force.

Meeting between the ISSN and the Russian Book Chamber

A public meeting was organised on March 16th, 2015 with Mrs Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre and the Russian Book Chamber. The different presentations were an opportunity for the Russian public, publishers, libraries, journalists, to discover the ISSN Network and its implementations in the scientific and media publishing area. This event was organised by ITAR-TASS, the Russian News Agency.

ISSN IC at UKSG 2015

ISSN IC Sales department held an stand at UKSG held in Glasgow on 30th March to 1st April, 2015.

Nathalie Cornic presented ROAD, ISSN Directory of Open Access scholarly Resources, during a lightening talk session. As a free subset of the ISSN Registry, the directory aggregates data from partners (indexing services, registries, journal indicators), and provides access to a multidisciplinary selection of OA resources worldwide. The main features of the service and the role of ISSN as a matching key were presented.


The US ISSN Center and ProQuest receive ALCTS Collaboration Award

The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) has chosen The US ISSN Center and ProQuest Metadata Integration & Cataloging Section as the recipients of the ALCTS Outstanding Collaboration Citation for 2015. This award recognizes a public-private partnership that helped the US ISSN Center respond to the rapid increase in ISSN requests for electronic resources and implement projects to assign ISSNs to core works. This collaboration benefits all stakeholders worldwide, from publishers to researchers.

ISSN IC attended ICEDIS Glasgow meeting 2015

On the final day of the UKSG Conference, ICEDIS held its usual UK meeting for the special interest branch of EDItEUR that deals with serials and subscription standards.

On this meeting were discussed the growing adoption of the subscription product catalog format, ONIX-PC, as well as the updates from the Open Access working group.

William Killbride / Digital Preservation Coalition, gave a thought-provoking presentation about Publishing and Digital Preservation: A Retrospective and Prospective. And Todd Carpenter / NISO, reviewed a number of initiatives likely to be of interest to ICEDIS members, covering both ISO projects and those under the aegis of NISO.

ISSN IC was present at EURIG 2015

Clément Oury, recently appointed as Head of the ISSN Data, Network and Standardisation department, participated in EURIG Annual Members’ meeting on April 14th, 2015, hosted by the National Library of Switzerland in Bern. EURIG is the European RDA Interest Group.

Blog for the 40th Anniversary of the ISSN Network

We have the pleasure to inform you that the blog for the 40th Anniversary of the ISSN Network is now available.

This blog contains 4 main menus: ISSN history, pictures, testimonies and presentations from the ISSN National Centres. It will be updated regularly.

Questions to Gaëlle Béquet

The ISSN International Centre Director, Gaëlle Béquet, talks about the ISSN Network structure, the digital publications’ stakes, and the future of the Organisation.

Article in French.

BnF and CIEPS join forces on a project about automatic ISSN assignment to digitized periodicals available in Gallica

BnF and CIEPS have joined forces in a project based on batch automatic assignments of ISSN numbers to digitized periodicals titles, particularly those available in Gallica, on the basis of the print version of the publications concerned, already identified with an ISSN.

The task of the BnF is to assign numbers progressively to titles without ISSN. The titles concerned are those which have already been digitized (retrospective part) as well as those which were recently added to the digitization process over the last months (current part). It is therefore a long-term project which just started.