International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

FRBR Review Group endorses PRESSoo model developed by BnF and ISSN IC

The FRBR Review Group (IFLA, International Federation of Library Associations) has reviewed the PRESSoo model and has endorsed it as a valid and useful extension of the FRBRoo model.

PRESSoo is devoted to the bibliographic information relating to serials and continuing resources. It has been developed by a working group made up by representatives of both the ISSN International Centre (ISSN IC) and the ISSN Review Group and representatives of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF). PRESSoo aims to propose answers to long standing issues with the application of the FRBR family of models to serials and continuing resources.

More on the FRBR Review Group


ISO Technical Committee 46 (TC46) 2014 Meeting

Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre has chaired the 41st ISO/TC 46 Plenary Meeting on May 5 – 9, 2014 in Washington, D.C.

TC 46 is a worldwide gathering of experts and information specialists in records management, data exchange, metadata, and library and publishing systems.

UKSG: Presentation of ROAD, the Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources

ROAD is a service offered by the ISSN International Centre with the support of the UNESCO / Communication and Information Sector.

A presentation has been given by François-Xavier Pelegrin (Head of the Bibliographic Data Section, ISSN International Centre) at the UKSG 2014 Conference on Tuesday 15th April 2014.

The Powerpoint presentation

An article published in “Research Information” about ROAD’s presentation at UKSG

The 40th Anniversary of ISSN Canada

2014 marks the 40th anniversary of ISSN Canada, the Canadian national centre for ISSN. Forty years of successful cooperation among ISSN centres, and the sustained growth of the ISSN Network is an accomplishment worthy of pride and celebration for Library and Archives Canada (LAC).

Data from the new keepers

The two latest keepers (participating archiving agencies), the Scholars Portal and the Library of Congress, has now been added to the Keepers Registry. In this way,  the number of titles listed in the Registry has greatly increased and, with the addition of the Scholars Portal from Canada, another country has been added to the geographical spread of keepers.

New SUNCAT Interface now available

The new interface for SUNCAT (the Serials Union Catalogue for the UK research community) is now available, it includes improved pre-search library and geographic limits, the ability to combine pre-search limits, and the introduction of post-search filters, links to the local catalogues of holding libraries.