International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

National Library of Spain (BNE) first library in Spain to join the Keepers Registry

To give libraries worldwide an overview of titles for which digital preservation is already being guaranteed or not, and who is responsible for it, the ISSN International Centre keeps a list, the Keepers Registry, integrated into the ISSN-Portal.

The Keepers Registry is a service that provides a public, global preservation registry of significant digital content of digital-born or digitised journals preserved by archival organisations. The Keepers Registry also provides the statistical basis for alerting libraries, publishers and other interested parties about digital material at risk of being lost. The BNE will regularly provide the ISSN International Centre with metadata about its contents in the Digital Periodical and Newspaper Library (Hemeroteca Digital) to be included in Keepers Registry. 

The Keepers Registry cooperates with the world’s most important academic libraries which have certified programmes for digital preservation. Among these are the Library of Congress, the National Library of France and the National Library of the Netherlands. 

Signalement des revues juridiques

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La Bibliothèque interuniversitaire Cujas a intégré les titres du corpus du plan de conservation partagée des périodiques PCP Droit dans Mir@bel. Dans ce cadre, 707 revues et 627 signalements d’accès en ligne ont été ajoutés en février 2024 à Mir@bel. Sur 707 revues, 48 ont fait l’objet d’une demande d’attribution d’ISSN, majoritairement auprès du centre ISSN France. Ce travail a permis d’améliorer la couverture de Mir@bel dans le domaine du droit, de vérifier les accès aux ressources déjà existants, et notamment de préciser les filiations entre les titres du corpus.

Ibict 70 years: a historical review of those who created the institute / Ibict 70 anos: um resgate histórico daqueles que fizeram o instituto

Cover of the book Ibict 70 years a historical reflection of those who created the institute, the background color of the cover is bluish, with some drawings of faces in the single line style.

Established in 1954, Ibict, which hosts ISSN Brazil, marks Brazil’s pioneering spirit in discussions related to Information Science. Its mission is to promote information infrastructure in science and technology. Counting on the valuable contribution of 22 directors, this book makes it possible to learn a little more about the impact of the management of former directors and what it was like to lead an institution that began its history as the Brazilian Institute of Bibliography and Documentation (IBBD) until it was consolidated as the current Ibict.

TIB joins as Keeper with ISSN International Centre

The TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology and University Library has become the 18th institution worldwide and the second in Germany to cooperate with the ISSN International Centre. In future, all e-journals held by the TIB will be listed in the Keepers Registry.

The TIB’s digital holdings of e-journals currently include approximately 2,500 journal titles, including Wiley e-journals under the DEAL-Wiley agreement and Ukrainian Open Access journals, which are harvested by the TIB.

Journals can be searched on this platform by their ISSN, their unique persistent identifier. This identifier enables libraries, repositories and archives to find out whether a particular issue of a journal has already been archived and who the ”keeper” of the journal is. In addition to the TIB, the ”keepers” are the e-journal archiving services Portico, CLOCKSS and global LOCKSS, as well as institutions such as the Library of Congress, the National Library of France, the National Library of the Netherlands, the National Digital Preservation Program China and the ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics.

The TIB has been using the Keepers Registry for many years to compare the archival status of different e-journals and to make informed decisions about which journals in the TIB collection should be prioritised for digital preservation.

IBICT has launched 2 services


Two information services have been launched by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict). These services are aimed at Brazilian scientific journals and publishers.

Manuelzão is the Brazilian Portal for scientific journals. The aim is to aggregate information pertinent to the creation, management, dissemination and improvement of the quality of Brazilian electronic scientific journals.

Miguilim (Directory of electronic scientific journals) aggregates information about Brazilian electronic scientific journals. It aims to confirm the situation of journals, in order to increase their editorial quality and internationalization, as well as assist in the democratization of access to scientific knowledge.

ISSN International Centre @ CNI Fall 2023 Membership Meeting (Washington D.C., December 11-12, 2023)

Jefferson Bailey, Director, Archiving & Data Services, Internet Archive, and Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, will give a joint presentation on the multi-custodial approach to digital preservation of scholarship. Topics will include the Internet Archive Scholar project, which aims to build a comprehensive collection of open-access academic publications published on the web whose preservation is shared by several organizations, and the Keepers Registry, which indexes the titles of digital journals archived by 14 partner agencies. The full program is available.

Charleston Library Conference 2023 soon online! (November 27 – December 1)

Presentations from the Charleston Conference have been recorded and will be broadcast online from November 27. The presentation on Keepers Registry and the Submit.Retrieve.Reuse service will be broadcast on November 30 at 14.40 EST, 20.40 CET. This will be followed by a Q&A session with Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Center, and Michelle Polchow, Electronic Resource Librarian at the University of California Davis. For further information, visit