International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Le Centre international de l’ISSN participera à l’Assemblée générale de Mirabel (Strasbourg, 19-20 juin 2023)

Mir@bel est une base de données de plus de 15 000 revues qui fournit des informations sur les conditions d’accès aux revues. Mir@bel organise son assemblée générale annuelle à Strasbourg avec un programme d’ateliers, visites et conférences. Gaëlle Béquet, directrice du Centre international de l’ISSN, présentera le rôle du Centre international et de son réseau dans le développement de la science ouverte. Le programme est disponible.

The ISSN International Centre is participating in the ACURIL Annual Conference (Kingston, Jamaica, 4-8 June 2023)

The Association of Caribbean University, Research, and Institutional Libraries has chosen the theme Innovation: Opportunities and Challenges in Caribbean Libraries, Museums, and Archives for its annual conference, which is being held in Kingston, Jamaica, June 4-8, 2023. Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, has been invited to present a paper on the role of identifiers in open science. The conference programme is available.

The ISSN International Centre is participating in Knowledge Exchange Webinar on Persistent Identifiers (15-16 CEST, 23 May 2023)

In early 2023, Knowledge Exchange published a report on persistent identifiers that focuses on the requirements for a reliable infrastructure for the dissemination of research results at the international level. The webinar on 23 May 2023 will be moderated by Pablo de Castro, author of the report and librarian at the University of Strathclyde, and Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the International ISSN Centre. The webinar is free with registration.

The ISSN International Centre will present its ISSN List Submission Service at NASIG 2023 (23 May 2023)

The ISSN International Centre will present its ISSN List Submission Service at the 38th NASIG Conference, May 22-25, 2023 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This service has been created to meet the needs of libraries willing to check the quality of serial identifiers in their catalogues and retrieve information from the Keepers Registry regarding the long-term preservation of the journals they hold in their collections. This service is currently being tested with the University of California at Davis. The presentation is scheduled 23 May 2023 at 2.45 p.m. EDT. The global programme is available.

Biblioteca Nacional del Perú mejora sus Servicios con el ISSN Plus

Gracias a la implementación de la nueva herramienta interna de catalogación ISSN Plus (ISSN+), la cual complementa y optimiza las funcionalidades del Portal ISSN, el servicio que brinda el Centro Nacional ISSN Perú (CN-ISSN) a través de la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú (BNP) ha mejorado respecto a los registros y metadatos que describen a las publicaciones seriadas peruanas y demás recursos continuos. Una de las principales ventajas que ofrece ISSN Plus (ISSN+), es la actualización casi inmediata de los datos en el portal ISSN ( respecto a los recursos que han sido asignados con un número ISSN. El CN-ISSN, que funciona en la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú desde el año 2021, es uno de los centros nacionales de la Red ISSN que empezó a utilizar con éxito esta novedosa herramienta.

The ISSN Network publishes its list of Multinational Publishers

The place of publication determines the ISSN Centre responsible for identification. However, when a publisher operates in several countries, an agreement may be reached between this multinational publisher and the involved ISSN Centres so that all requests for identification are handled by one centre. The ISSN Network has created a public list identifying more than 300 multinational publishers. These publishers have been spotted through the ISSN Portal ( data. The ISSN International Centre works with the National Centres on this list of publishers to determine their responsibility for identifying the publications of these publishers. The list also contains information on the names by which these publishers are known and a mapping of relationships between publishers. It also contains a link to the ISNI and VIAF databases. This data is managed by the ISSN Network in an internal wiki that will be updated regularly. Projects to disseminate the list more widely will be launched shortly.

ISSN Japan Updates its English Webpage

The National Diet Library in Japan hosts the Japanese National Centre for ISSN. The National Centre has recently updated its webpage in English supplying information on the requirements and procedures for ISSN registration.

Meeting at the National Library of Benin (1 March 2023)

Koffi Attede, Director of the National Library of Benin, and his team organized a meeting with Gaëlle Béquet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, in Porto Novo on 1 March 2023. The National Library of Benin, which has hosted the ISSN National Centre of Benin since 2000, is undergoing a major renovation as part of an ambitious program to offer better services to publishers and patrons both onsite and online. ISSN and ISBN requests can now be submitted online.

ISSN International Centre @NISO + 2023 (14-16 February 2023, remote)

The 2023 NISO+ Conference focused on persistent identifiers (PIDs)! Gaelle Bequet, Director of the ISSN International Centre, moderated one session about the fragmentation of the PID landscape and the recommendations made by Knowledge Exchange in their latest report to implement PIDs. She spoke at the session dealing with the interoperability and the diversity of PIDs . Last but not least, she moderated the session about PIDs for humanities researchers.