International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

OECD working with CLOCKSS and the Global LOCKSS Network to ensure long-term preservation

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OECD is working with both CLOCKSS and the Global LOCKSS Network to ensure the long-term preservation of books, journals, datasets and working papers in the OECD iLibrary. OECD iLibrary is the online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) featuring its books, papers, podcasts and statistics and is the knowledge base of OECD’s analysis and data.  2,500 subscribing institutions worldwide put OECD publications at the finger-tips of over 7 million users in more than 100 countries. This content will now also remain accessible for future users.


JASPER: a cross-industry preservation collaboration

JASPER is a cross-industry collaboration with one main goal: to help open access journals be preserved long-term. The JASPER partners—CLOCKSS, DOAJ, Internet ArchiveThe Keepers Registry, and Public Knowledge Project (PKP)—collaborated to build on existing trusted infrastructure and services. Since its launch two years ago, JASPER has solicited applications from around 100 journal editors, which led to just over 40 applications being submitted. Of the 32 journals selected, 29 chose to be preserved via CLOCKSS and Internet Archive, and three chose to have their OJS-based publications preserved in the PKP-PN. Fourteen of the 26 journals that chose CLOCKSS and Internet Archive are actively sending full-text content via a DOAJ-Internet Archive-CLOCKSS pipeline.

Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) libraries’ three-tier digital preservation strategy

The iconic entrance foyer of the Simone Veil Humanities Library, Université libre de Bruxelles (Credits: Marie Ozanne)


ULB’s mission is to provide access to the digital scholarly collections to which they subscribe, but also guarantee a long term access to these resources. To meet this challenge, the ULB Libraries have adopted a digital preservation strategy based on three pillar solutions:

Support for CLOCKSS,

Membership in the Global LOCKSS Network (GLN),

Creating SAFE PLNb to preserve their own digital resources.

Enhancing and Expanding Research Services at the Library of Congress

For nearly 20 years, Ithaka S+R has partnered with libraries to navigate change, measure impact, and better serve their users. Ithaka S+R is announcing a new project with the Library of Congress that aims to assess how researchers are engaging with the library’s services and collections at the Capitol Hill campus, as well as to expand its reach to new and diverse patrons. Through mixed-methods research, Ithaka S+R will collect user experience data to help the library expand and enhance the discoverability, use, and scope of its services.


BNP: declaran Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación 54 volúmenes del Diario Oficial El Peruano

Tras un trabajo conjunto entre la Biblioteca Nacional del Perú (BNP) y Editora Perú, el Ministerio de Cultura (Mincul) declaró Patrimonio Cultural de la Nación 54 volúmenes facticios (impresos diversos) del Diario Oficial El Peruano, correspondientes al periodo comprendido desde 1868 hasta 1900. Estos volúmenes forman parte de la colección más completa del Diario Oficial El Peruano. La Biblioteca Nacional inscribirá estos ejemplares en el Registro Nacional de Material Bibliográfico y coordinará con Editora Perú, las acciones necesarias para la protección, conservación y difusión de los 54 volúmenes.

What is the carbon footprint of large-scale global digital preservation?

At  iPRES 2023, Matthew Addis, Chief Technology Officer at Arkivum, raised the issue of environmental sustainability and climate change, and notably the interplay between doing digital preservation at ever larger scales and the environmental impact that this can have. He also alerted about climate change being surely an existential threat to our current digital memory.

See the panel’s suggestions to address the deluge of data and the many ways to reduce the carbon footprint.

CLOCKSS Annual Update 2022-23

The CLOCKSS community is growing! Content has been added to the archive from 556 participating publishers including 82 new ones. The CLOCKSS community is delighted to welcome all new publishers and note that they range in shape and size from OA monograph publishers hosted on OAPEN through to Kluwer Law International. This year the archive has grown to include 53 million articles and 467,000 books. This includes content from publishers in 61 countries.

CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS) employs a unique approach to archiving (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) that was initiated by Stanford University librarians in 1999.