International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Un million de pages numérisées dans BelgicaPeriodicals

Depuis le 1er octobre, BelgicaPeriodicals a franchi un cap symbolique en proposant plus d’un million de pages numérisées de revues belges disponibles en recherche plein texte. BelgicaPeriodicals donne accès à 134 revues et parutions périodiques datant du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours et conservées à la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique (KBR). Grâce à l’automatisation partielle des chaines de numérisation due à l’introduction de robots scanners dans le parc de numérisation, la KBR a pu considérablement accélérer le rythme de numérisation des revues conservées dans nos collections.

iPres 2022 Book of Proceedings Now Available

The proceedings of iPres 2022 are now available for download!

They contain the published and peer-reviewed submissions of the 18th International Conference on Digital Preservation. The conference was hosted by the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) in Glasgow, Scotland from the 12th-16th September 2022.

iPres 2022 met under the heading ‘Data for all, for good and for ever’. Five themes were expressed in the main headings of the conference: Community, Environment, Exchange, Innovation and Resilience .

The Persistent web IDentifier (PWID) is now officially registered as a Uniform Resource Name (URN)

A perpetual motion machine: The preserved digital scholarly record

Scholarship is changing and this is affecting what needs to be preserved and what preservation means to the future of knowledge discovery. The diversification of outputs means that knowledge exists in a network of contextual metadata, data, software, standards and publications—requiring multilateral management of this complex knowledge graph. Preservation demands new skills, technologies and resources from librarians, publishers, funders and institutions—and more joined-up thinking about archiving.

Rede Cariniana completa dez anos em evento realizado em Brasília / Cariniana Network celebrates ten years in an event held in Brasilia

Em clima de comemoração pelos seus dez anos de atuação, a Rede Brasileira de Serviços de Preservação Digital (Rede Cariniana), do Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (Ibict), realizou um encontro histórico entre os dias 11 e 13 de julho. A Cariniana foi construída de forma colaborativa e com princípios a serem cumpridos a longo prazo. O evento reuniu os principais nomes da Preservação Digital no mundo para discutir aspectos técnicos e organizacionais para acompanhamento e avaliação das atividades realizadas durante a última década. Contou com workshops de capacitação profissional e uma ampla retrospectiva do trabalho da Rede, além da apresentação de novos serviços e projetos das instituições parceiras. Ibict acolhe o Centro Brasileiro ISSN. Conheça o Dossiê temático sobre os 10 anos da Rede Cariniana.

In a commemoration mood for its ten years of operation, the Brazilian Network of Digital Preservation Services (Cariniana Network), of the Brazilian Institute for Information in Science and Technology (Ibict), held a historic meeting between 11 and 13 July. The Carinian Network was built collaboratively and with principles to be fulfilled in the long term. The event brought together the main international stakeholders of Digital Preservation to discuss technical and organizational aspects for monitoring and evaluation of the activities undertaken during the last decade. It included professional training workshops and a broad retrospective of the work accomplished, as well as the presentation of new services and projects of the partner institutions. Ibict hosts the Brazilian ISSN Centre. Read the thematic dossier on the 10 years of Cariniana Network.


New Ithaka S+R report on Digital Preservation and Curation Systems

Ithaka S+R issued in July 2022 a really valuable report titled “The Effectiveness and Durability of Digital Preservation and Curation Systems”, authored by Oya Rieger, Roger Schoenfeld and Liam Sweeney, funded by a grant from the US Institute for Museum and Library Studies. This is the kind of broad landscape survey that we very badly need as we seek to understand priorities and strategies for digital preservation; it’s also extremely helpful in that it sheds considerable light on the roles that commercial preservation services are taking on in this landscape.

ATG Interviews Alicia Wise, Executive Director of CLOCKSS

In a new Against The Grain interview, Tom Gilson and Katina Strauch talk with Alicia Wise, Executive Director of CLOCKSS. After presenting CLOCKSS’ services, Alicia Wise explains notably how the libraries and publishers in the CLOCKSS community work together to ensure success.

PKP Releases Its 2021 Annual Report

The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) released its 2021 Annual Report on June 28th, 2022. The report, covering the fiscal year 2021 to March 31st, touches on all the year’s highlights in PKP’s ongoing efforts to expand public access to research and scholarship.

Boasnian library journal “Bosniaca” archived in the PKP network for the preservation of magazines

Bosniaca is the journal of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is published annually and includes original professional and scientific works in library science as well as systematized practices for the management of collections. It is available in English and indexed in DOAJ, Web of Science, EBSCO, ErihPlus, Slavic Humanities Index, Index Copernicus, ICI Journals Master List, C.E.E.O.L. (Central and Eastern European Online Library), Hrčak – the central portal of Croatian scientific journals, KoBSON – the Serbian Library Consortium for Coordinated Acquisition. The journal is now archived in PKP (Public Knowledge Project), a network for the digital preservation of OJS journals. This is a significant step in the further development of the magazine and a way to preserve the magazine for future generations of librarians, information and related experts.

Look at Bosniaca’s ISSN record and see the archival status in Keepers Registry.


HathiTrust Metadata Quality Improvement Project Now Underway

One recommendation from the Community Metadata Strategy Task Force is to provide support for member libraries to improve metadata quality. The Metadata Quality Improvement Project kicked off this past month with a cohort of seven pilot libraries. Each of the participating member libraries will focus on a specific project within their own library and re-submit remediated content to HathiTrust. In addition to improving the overall quality of the HathiTrust collection, the program supports HathiTrust members’ diverse internal projects, initiatives, and goals.