International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Out: Rightsizing the Academic Library Collection, Second Edition

Rightsizing the Academic Library Collection, Second ...

The first edition of this book demonstrated the power and flexibility of “rightsizing,” an approach that applies a scalable, rule-based strategy to help academic libraries balance stewardship of spaces and the collection. In the five years since Ward’s first edition, the shared print infrastructure has grown in leaps and bounds, as has coordination among programs. With this revision, Miller addresses new options as well as the increasing urgency to protect at-risk titles as you reduce your physical collection.


New study on changing role of research libraries to be revealed at Jisc and CNI leader conference

A new study is underway to investigate the role of research libraries. Conducted by the Association of Research Libraries in the US and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries, the study examines research universities’ strategic directions and what information services they need to support their strategies. The report will provide clear evidence and inform a shared narrative about the valued role of research libraries now and in the future. The study will be presented at the Jisc and CNI- leader conference, an event organised by the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) together with Jisc.

Out: Rightsizing the Academic Library Collection, Second Edition

Rightsizing the Academic Library Collection, Second ...The first edition of this book demonstrated the power and flexibility of “rightsizing,” an approach that applies a scalable, rule-based strategy to help academic libraries balance stewardship of spaces and the collection. In the five years since Ward’s first edition, the shared print infrastructure has grown in leaps and bounds, as has coordination among programs. With this revision, Miller addresses new options as well as the increasing urgency to protect at-risk titles as you reduce your physical collection.


Teaching Advocacy: an Interview with Raphaelle Bats

Strengthening the global voice of libraries by making every librarian an advocate is a key part of IFLA’s Strategy. But how can we teach advocacy? An interview with Raphaelle Bats, National School for Information and Library Professions (ENSSIB), France, to find out about her experiences. [Article in English, and then French]

Timely, sustainable, and more necessary than ever: Webinar on libraries, open access and infodemics

The pandemic has underlined the importance of access to information for all, but at the same time, the risks of misinformation. Libraries have a huge potential to contribute, as highlighted in a webinar organised by participants in the IFLA-Goethe Institut Emerging International Voices Programme. These are the challenges that participants in the Emerging International Voices webinar looked to address on 26 May. This joint initiative of the Goethe-Institut and IFLA is designed to support promising new professionals in the library field to build their experience and reach.

Carrying out a print serials inventory: getting from wishlist to action

In this presentation made for NASIG 2021, Amy Castillo, Manager of the Electronic Resources & Scholarly Communication department of Tarleton State University Dick Smith Library, shares details on carrying out a print serials inventory project that includes training, inventory assignments, and progress tracking. The inventory aims to enhance the library’s catalog and OCLC local holdings records by clarifying available title and coverage; check the health of the print collection; and record an accurate total number of bound units.

Building community collaboration in the development of a standard

Launched in March 2002, COUNTER is an international initiative serving librarians, publishers and intermediaries by setting standards that facilitate the recording and reporting of online usage statistics in a consistent, credible and compatible way. This NASIG 2021 session celebrates the achievement of the COUNTER Code of Practice and the tools and guides that support it.  Lorraine Estelle, the COUNTER Project Director, also takes a practical look at what is required to build relationships across all the stakeholders and to foster collaborative work practices and governance.

Por uma compreensão da desinformação sob a perspectiva da ciência da informação /For an understanding of disinformation from the perspective of information Science

Society has been impacted by the most obvious face of disinformation: fake news. Although some studies raise false news as the central problem, the authors demonstrate that the phenomenon is broader. Thus, the proposal is to understand the phenomenon of disinformation as a whole, characterizing it, contextualizing it and exemplifying its various types and levels. The present study also highlights the informational perspective of the phenomenon and, therefore, the relevance of the theme for the area of Information Science (IC). The results show that Information Science has theoretical and methodological tools to face disinformation, such as the promotion of infocommunication competences.

IFLA LibPub + IFLA Strategy: launching the global library publishing map ​

Closely aligned to IFLA Key Initiative 2.4 “Provide tools and infrastructure that support the work of libraries”, IFLA’s Library Publishing Special Interest Group (IFLA LibPub SIG) is focused on an identified trend which has emerged over the past decade: libraries taking on a visible role along the publishing continuum. This concerns not only scholarly materials by academic libraries (articles, reports, books, data), but also community content (stories, local histories, self-publishing support). IFLA LibPub presents the Global Library Publishing Map as the first main action involved documenting library publishing activities among IFLA’s global membership. IFLA LibPub partners with the Library Publishing Coalition on the 2021 Library Publishing Directory:

IFLA LibPub + IFLA Strategy