International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Reference Rot: Threat and Remedy

Hiberlink milestones and outcomes were presented at UKSG 2015 by Peter Burnhill and Richard Wincewicz.

This presentation looks at reference rot, link rot, and the work of Hiberlink to ensure web citations persist through time.

Adventures in Portlandia: Learning the Difference Between Publishing and Repositories

After setting the three main functions that library publishing platforms and repositories fulfil, Phil Jones concludes that libraries’ role in dissemination of scholarly works depends on their profile and the sizes of their publishing/repository programs. Different institutions will adopt different strategies, reflecting the types of scholarly output that they generate, local needs and priorities, and the occasional political constraint.

LERU calls for fundamental change to the financial model behind journal publishing

In this document, the League of European Research Universities (LERU) focuses on the main challenge in European research: the ‘Total Cost of Ownership’. This term includes both subscription costs paid by institutions and APCs (Article Processing Charges) for publishing in hybrid journals with an Open Access option paid by their staff members and researchers. This dual method of charging may mean that universities end up paying twice for access to the same material.

Sharing Data for Better Discovery and Access

The Internet Archive and the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) have announced a joint collaborative program to enhance sharing of collections from the Internet Archive in the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). The Internet Archive will work with interested Libraries and content providers to help ensure their metadata meets DPLA’s standards and requirements.

CLOCKSS and CHORUS support perpetual access to reporting on US-funded research

The CLOCKSS Archive, a not-for-profit joint venture between the world’s leading academic publishers and research libraries, has entered into an agreement with CHORUS (Clearinghouse for the Open Research of the United States) to support the archiving, preservation, and perpetual public access to articles reporting on US federally funded research, at no additional cost to taxpayers.

An agreement to digitize and enhance the historical press

The Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) has signed a partnership to speed up the digitization and online distribution of the press funds preserved by the institution from the beginning of written press.

Article in French.

University Libraries Offer an Alternative to Traditional Publishing

As digital tools get easier to use, many university libraries are starting their own publishing programs in an effort to offer more varied services to their communities. The rise of library publishing may be considered as a response to authors’ rights and increasing costs.

Issues and terms: archived or preserved?

The Keepers Registry acts as a global monitor on the archiving arrangements for electronic journals. It was developed by EDINA, the national data service centre at the University of Edinburgh, and the ISSN International Centre in Paris.

This post, the first of a series focused on issues around the registry, discusses the institution’s vision of the term ‘preserved’.

IFLA takes Lyon Declaration to the UN

IFLA is calling for a focus on increased access to information in the new framework, and is working to highlight the role that information intermediaries, such as libraries, can play in helping achieve the new set of Sustainable Development Goals that all UN Member States will commit to reaching from September 2015.