International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

OCLC Year in review 2014

An annual review of OCLC activity around three lines: exploring the important trends that will impact libraries in the future, improving the ways by which libraries can share data, resources and services, and helping member libraries magnifying their collective visibility and relevance.

National Digital Library to be launched in Russia

Russia has unveiled new plans to launch a National Digital Library in 2015. The Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky said that the new initiative will transform local libraries into modern information and cultural hubs, adding that citizens’ access to the service will be via the internet with a single electronic library ticket.

Ecuador launches national repository network

On December 4, 2014, CEDIA (the National Research and Education Network of Ecuador) announced the launch of the Network of Open Access Repositories of Ecuador – RRAAE. The network integrates institutional repositories of universities and supports the management, preservation, open access and interoperability of digital content generated by members and other institutions around the country.

UNESCO launches Open Access Curricula for Researchers and Librarians

Within the overall framework of UNESCO Strategy on Open Access to scientific information and research and to take forward UNESCO’s leadership role in diffusing knowledge amongst its Member States, UNESCO has developed a set of manuals to facilitate capacity building of library and information professionals and researchers.

Free UKSG webinar: Redefining the Institutional Repository

Institutional repositories have grown in importance over the last 10 years to offer a core University and Library service. This development is putting pressure on staff resources and challenging the underlying software.

This webinar outlines these issues as well as look at how the needs and use of repositories may change in the future. The slides and the recording are now available online.

Controversy about the Couperin/Elsevier five years agreement

Couperin, the French consortium of academic libraries for e-publications, has signed in 2014 a five years agreement with Elsevier for a national licence allowing the French academic libraries to access about 2,000 journals. The reactions, highly contrasted, have been collected in an article. (in French)

SWIB14 – Semantic Web in Libraries Conference

The SWIB conference aims to provide substantial information on linked open data (LOD) developments relevant to the library world and to foster the exchange of ideas and experiences among practitioners.

The latest edition was held in Bonn (Germany), 1st-3rd december 2014.

The slides and the videos related are now available.