International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Europeana Strategic Plan (2015-2020)

During the Europeana Aggregator Forum (The Hague, 22-23 May), Deputy Director Harry Verwayen has given an overview of the strategic plan and ambitions of the Europeana Foundation going forward to 2020.


SUDOC study

ABES – the French bibliographic agency for Higher Education – has published a study on developments in shared cataloguing systems. The report discusses ten case studies of shared cataloguing systems and describes scenarios for the French national catalogue SUDOC.

The report (French, summary in English)

Public Access: Supporting Digital Inclusion for All

IFLA, along with the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) and the Technology and Social Change Group (TASCHA) at the University of Washington have prepared a briefing paper which draws UN Member States’ attention to the importance of access to ICTs as a key issue in development and to the ongoing digital divide.

EBSCO Opens Metadata to Third-Party Discovery Services

EBSCO Information Services announced a new policy on metadata sharing that will make all metadata for 129 of its full-text databases, more than 550,000 ebooks and more than 70 historical digital archives available to third-party discovery services.

A first glance into the future of EU Copyright reform?

A draft version of the European Commission’s impact assessment on copyright reform is circulating online. Whilst the final report is to be published, Paul Keller, Vice Chair of Kennisland shares his thoughts on this crucial document.

EU rejects international solution to library and archive copyright problems; causes collapse of WIPO meeting

The European Union has blocked the discussions at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) Standing Committee on Copyright & Related Rights (SCCR). The libraries and archives organisations present at the 27th meeting of the SCCR have put on a joint press release, expressing their frustration and disappointment with the EU, and rallying European libraries and archives to reach out to their policy makers asking the EU to take a more nuanced approach to the discussions.