International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

OCLC releases WorldCat Works as linked data

OCLC has made 197 million bibliographic work descriptions—WorldCat Works—available as linked data, a format native to the Web that will improve discovery of library collections through a variety of popular sites and Web services.

Named Entity Recognition for digitised newspapers

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is the process of identifying and classifying entities such as persons, locations and organisations in the full-text in order to enhance searchability. The KB National Library of the Netherlands is the Europeana Newspapers project partner and works as the NER specialist. Clemens Neudecker, Technical Coordinator KB research department talks about this process.

Instant e-libraries for Myanmar universities

Universities in Myanmar have been given e-libraries with hundreds of thousands of digital books and academic journals to help them catch up after decades of isolation under military rule.

Hispana labels more than 1 million records as Public Domain

Europeana now includes more than one million newspaper articles from the Spanish aggregator Hispana that are correctly labelled as being in the Public Domain. These newspapers were digitised and made available as part of the Virtual Library of Historical Newspapers project.

IFLA submission to EU Copyright Consultation now available online

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) submitted a response to the Public Consultation on the Review of EU Copyright Rules. IFLA believes a balanced copyright reform should provide sufficient protections for EU creative industries without restricting essential research and development, and access to information in the public interest.

SPARC Europe welcomes the new UK Open Access policy

The Higher Education Funding Council for England has announced the final form of the Open Access policy that will apply to research outputs. This policy requires all journal articles and peer-reviewed conference papers to be deposited in a repository at the time of acceptance for publication, and made Open Access as soon as possible.