International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Libraries in the world

The “Association des Bibliothécaires de France” (ABF) has launched a geotagged map of the libraries in the world. This contributive project will be presented at the IFLA Conference 2014.

UNESCO publishes Guidelines to compare Institutional Repository Software

The Guidelines to compare Institutional Repository Software is being published as part of the UNESCO’s Open Access Strategy. It compares the features of the major platforms and is intended to help libraries focus on which features will help facilitate the success of their repository.

Literature goes online for free in Norway

Most books published in Norway before 2001 are going online for free thanks to an initiative that may have found the formula to reconcile authors with the web.
The National Library of Norway, responsible of this unprecedented project, is digitising tens of thousands of titles. Even the copyright-protected books will be available free online – with the consent of the copyright holders – at the website

An Epidemic of Journal Subscription Cancellations

Since the start of 2014, several French Universities have cancelled their subscriptions to notorious scientific journals and databases because of the combined effect of budget cuts and important price increases. Researchers, although comprehensive, are worried.