International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Charleston Conference Proceedings, 2020

The theme of the 2020 Charleston Conference was Quo Vadis – Where Are We Going?

The virtual Conference saw a surge in attendance with an almost 150% increase from 2019, and Conference attendees continued to remark on the informative and thought‐provoking sessions in a virtual environment.  The proceedings provide an overview of such subjects as collection development, management, end users, scholarly communication, and technology issues.

EBSCO Information Services Releases CAB Abstracts® with Full Text

EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) releases CAB Abstracts® with Full Text, an applied life science database, enhanced by CABI’s high quality metadata and indexing experts. CAB Abstracts® with Full Text currently includes more than 1,200 active full-text journals and will grow to include more than 1,330 active full-text journals by December 2022. It adds to EBSCO’s wide variety of agriculture and food science resources, as well as biology and life sciences resources.

Learn more about CAB Abstracts with Full Text.

6e journée professionnelle Métadonnées en bibliothèques / 6th Conference Metadata in Libraries

Cette conférence organisée par la Bibliothèque nationale de France a eu lieu le 3 décembre 2021. La journée s’est articulée autour de l’entité « Expression » dans le modèle IFLA LRM et RDA-FR et la présentation d’outils mis à disposition des bibliothèques pour avancer dans la Transition bibliographique. La matinée a proposé une exploration de l’entité « Expression » à travers des exemples de mise en application avant d’aborder le versant plus technique et normatif de cette entité. L’après-midi s’est élargi aux outils et aux acteurs de la Transition bibliographique. Les vidéos et présentations sont en ligne sur la chaîne Youtube de la BnF.

This conference organised by the National library of France took place on 3 December 2021. The day was structured around the “Expression” entity in the IFLA LRM and RDA-FR model and the presentation of tools made available to libraries to advance in the Bibliographic Transition. The morning session explored the “Expression” entity through examples of its application before tackling the more technical and normative side of this entity. The afternoon session focused on the tools and groups of the Bibliographic Transition. The videos and presentations are online on the BnF’s Youtube channel.

Coeur bibliographique OEMI

The German Newspaper Portal

Historical newspapers are an important resource for academic research in various disciplines – particularly in Germany, where the newspaper sector is and always has been particularly diverse and prolific. The large-scale digitisation, full-text cataloguing and provision of online access to historical newspapers is an important desideratum. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) has set up funding programmes in 2018 and 2019 to support this work. The Deutsche Zeitungsportal went online in October 2021 with almost 600,000 issues.

Lisa Landes, project manager for the German Digital Library (DDB), speaks about the German Newspaper Portal.

Les Balkans occidentaux : une culture commune en partage / The Western Balkans: a shared culture

La création de services partagés par les pays des Balkans occidentaux contribuent au rapprochement des professionnels et à la prise de conscience de leur histoire commune. Ces services leur permettent de collaborer dans trois domaines principaux : l’automatisation des tâches, y compris du catalogage, grâce au système commun Cobiss, la promotion des thèses de doctorat, et la valorisation de leur patrimoine documentaire numérisé via une bibliothèque numérique mutualisée.

The creation of shared services by the Western Balkan countries is helping to bring professionals closer together and to become aware of their common history. These services allow them to collaborate in three main areas: the automation of tasks, including cataloguing, thanks to the common Cobiss system, the promotion of doctoral theses, and the enhancement of their digitized documentary heritage via a shared digital library.

Libraries are Essential Partners in Research Information Management (RIM)

The recently published OCLC Research report series Research Information Management in the United States documents the RIM practices at 6 universities. A key finding is that the library is an essential stakeholder in enterprise RIM practices. Librarians possess extensive expertise in publications metadata, which is an institutional asset. The author expects research information management to be an area of increasing investment for universities for the foreseeable future, and for libraries to be valuable partners in this space.

What’s Your Vision for a New Model Library?

The pandemic initiated or accelerated changes that often were executed in haste and with acknowledged and understandable imperfections. It is time to reflect on the changes that were made and assess which ones were effective. For library leaders, that means strategically transforming the library to adapt to evolving staff and community needs and expectations — moving toward a New Model Library. Twenty-nine library leaders across the globe discussed the changes to library work, collections, and engagement experiences that they believe will continue and what their visions are for the future of libraries.

Read the report.

Book: The Qualitative Landscape of Information Literacy Research: Perspectives, Methods and Techniques

Information literacy has become established as a core research topic in the library and information science field. This book describes this research landscape, identifying the core qualitative approaches applied in the research of information literacy and less used or innovative applications. The central aim of the book is to develop and support readers’ understanding of how information literacy research and teaching is framed, developed and produced.

LIBER strategy Strategy Report 2021 – A Year in Review

LIBER (Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche – Association of European Research Libraries) Strategy Update was recently published. It gives an extensive overview of LIBER’s  achievements and challenges of the past year and thereafter highlights what LIBER members will deliver in the months ahead.