The value of open metadata: how DOAJ supports and is supported by the community
As an adopter of the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure and a supporter of the Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information, DOAJ is committed to making its metadata openly available for the community’s use. DOAJ’s metadata is reused across library systems, discovery services, search engines and research tools that help identify quality open-access journals.
In 2024, DOAJ has received sustaining support from Digital Science, EBSCO, NERAC, OA.Works. OCLC, OurResearch, SciFree, Sirsi Dynix and others. Their support contributes directly to DOAJ’s work in evaluating journals and curating metadata.
Infra Finder grows: 90+ open infrastructures now available, including the Keepers Registry
Open infrastructure is crucial in research and scholarship, but navigating this complex landscape can be challenging. Infra Finder is an evaluation tool that provides verified information on over 90 open infrastructures, covering 30 solution categories. It allows users to make informed decisions based on reliable information about openness, community governance, interoperability, and hosting options. The tool also includes new open infrastructure categories, such as data and computational infrastructure, digital preservation and archival infrastructure, and open access or subscription management tools. The Keepers Registry, a service implemented by ISSN International Centre, is among the open infrastructures.
Open Access Journal Publishing Market 2024-2028
This report details the diverse mix of revenue streams in OA Journal publishing in 2024 and beyond. It also examines the research integrity crisis confronting the sector, the decrease in the number of titles being published, and how publishers and policy makers are responding.
This report provides an overview and financial outlook for the OA journal publishing market, including the performance of leading competitors’ through 2024 and market projections through 2028. To produce this data, the analyst used the information from global OA journal sales, leading publishers, and revenue projections through 2028. To develop a financial outlook for open access journal publishing, the analyst consulted primary and secondary research, competitor interviews, industry expert consultations, and financial data analysis.
Open Access and Transparency: EDP Sciences Releases 2024 Transparency Report for Mathematics Journals
EDP Sciences and SMAI have released their 2024 transparency report, highlighting the fourth consecutive year of open access publication for mathematics journals under the Subscribe to Open model. The report highlights achievements such as sustained open access, moderate subscription price increases, stable article output, financial sustainability, and the impact of national agreements, partnerships, and additional funding.
EIFL landscape study of no-fee open access publishing in Africa
EIFL’s landscape study explores open access (OA) journals in Africa that don’t charge fees (Diamond OA), based on survey data from 199 journals, 21 platforms, and 25 country reports. It examines funding, sustainability, institutional support, incentives, and collaboration among these journals. The study is part of the three-year ‘Collaboration for sustainable open access publishing in Africa’ project (Nov 2023 – Oct 2026), led by EIFL, AJOL (African Journals Online), and WACREN (the West and Central African Research and Education Network) with Wellcome’s support.
See the online version of the report.
Collaboration entre Research4Life, le DOAJ et l’ASSAf : une réponse aux besoins des chercheurs francophones en Afrique
En 2023, le DOAJ a été invité par Research4Life, en collaboration avec l’ASSAf, à lancer une série de webinaires en français pour chercheurs de pays à faible revenu, comme la Tanzanie, le Bhoutan et le Ghana. En 2024, des webinaires en français ont été ajoutés, touchant des pays francophones comme le Bénin et le Sénégal. Les formations ont couvert divers sujets, allant de la transparence dans l’édition scientifique aux pratiques prédatrices. Les retours des participants et la collaboration avec des bibliothécaires locaux montrent l’importance d’adapter le contenu aux besoins spécifiques et de renforcer les liens régionaux.
Springer Nature’s open access strategy continues to drive impact and equity
Springer Nature has announced that 44% of its published articles are now open access (OA), marking a significant milestone in the publisher’s ongoing efforts to enhance the accessibility and impact of scientific research. The 2023 OA report underscores the success of Springer Nature’s approach to open access, highlighting the increased usage, visibility, and citations of OA articles, alongside initiatives aimed at supporting equity in OA publishing.
The full report can be accessed here, alongside the previous report in 2023 and the fully OA report from 2022.
Transformative Journals 2023 Report: Progress and challenges in the transition to open access
cOAlition S has released its latest report on the Transformative Journal (TJ) model, a key strategy developed to transition subscription-based publishers to full and immediate Open Access (OA). The 2023 data, sourced from participating publishers, sheds light on the progress and obstacles encountered in this endeavour.
The TJ programme mandates that journals annually increase their OA research content by at least 5% in absolute terms and 15% in relative terms, to fully transition to OA when 75% of their research content is published openly.
OECD data, publications and analysis become freely accessible
The OECD began granting greater access to its data with the launch of its data portal and platform integration in 2014, notably making publications freely available to read online. The introduction of the Creative Commons CCBY 4.0 licence now enables seamless access to OECD publications and data. The newly redesigned website will further facilitate the use of this open-access information model, by offering improved search functions. This includes a catalogue of almost 30 000 items from the OECD archives, which users are now able to access, download, and share.