International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

EIFL welcomes adoption of Guidelines for Open Access to Research Results in Lithuania

The Research Council of Lithuania adopted Guidelines for Open Access to Research Results on 29th February 2016. The Guidelines include open access (OA) and open research data policy that are fully aligned with the Horizon 2020 (H2020) OA mandate and Open Research Data Pilot, and the July 2012 European Commission recommendations on access to and preservation of scientific information. The newly-adopted Guidelines are based on a strong OA tradition in Lithuania and on current good practices in Europe.

The End of Journals

Journals are facing fundamental challenges that can only be overcome through relentless innovation and a willingness to leave the security of an outdated model. There are at least 9 deficiencies in the current model that fuel the sense that journals as we have known them are approaching their final act.

Open Access and research data sharing … Towards Open science?

As part of the French Digital Bill, two provisions have been adopted that will change the French researchers’ work. These provisions refer to scholarly open access publications and Text and Data Mining within an established corpus.

(article in French)

Advances in peer review

The traditional model of peer review is based on a pre-publication evaluation system. There is increasing evidence that mistakes are becoming ever more frequent in the process of peer review.

In this first post in a five part series, the ebb and flow of the debate around the various aspects of peer review will be summarized, and how ScienceOpen is acting to attempt to resolve these issues will be demonstrated.

République numérique : “Il faut entendre la voix des chercheurs“ pour l’Open Access

The French digital Republic bill was presented to MPs on 19 January, for a a public session examination. The National Union of Publishing /Syndicat National de l’Edition and the National Federation of Specialized Information Press / Fédération nationale de la presse d’information spécialisée denounced a project that would jeopardize the French Scientific Research. If the researchers and the publishing community claim for a real discussion, the government representatives assert that the economic risks have been taken into account.  [Since the publication of this article, the amendment has been adopted]   (Article in French)

Dutch EU presidency aims at open access to scientific journals

Education minister Sander Dekker will push to make more journal papers free to bring the Netherlands’ presidency of the EU Council. The aim is to confront the inequality of scientific research publishing in Open Access domain and the budget they diposed to do so.