International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Thieme to launch ‘pay what you want’ open-access journal

Thieme, an international medical and science publisher, in collaboration with the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) of Munich’s School of Management and Department of Economics is about to launch a new open-access journal, based on an innovative business model: “Pay What You Want”. Following acceptance of a paper after peer review, authors will be given the opportunity to pay an APC fee that they feel is most suitable.

OCLC signs agreements with leading publishers worldwide

OCLC has signed agreements with leading publishers in Science, Technology, Engineering, Medicine and other subject areas to add metadata for books, e-books, journals, databases and other materials that will make their content discoverable through WorldCat Discovery Services. Among these partners: DOAJ, OpenEditions, BMJ Publishing Group.

Rising metrics need to go deeper

New tools dedicated to the assessment of scholarly publications have arised lately. They have gained widespread interest in many sectors, but according to Euan Adie (founder of and Mike Taylor (senior project manager for infometrics in Elsevier Research Metrics), there is still much work to be done in digging deeper into these metrics.

Area-wide transition to open access is possible

The Max Planck Digital Library has put forward a study on the transformation of the subscription-driven system for scientific publications to an Open Access model. For the first time, quantitative parameters are presented showing that the liberation of scholarly literature is possible at no extra costs.

Copyright Office Releases Report on Orphan Works and Mass Digitization

The American Copyright Office has released its “Report on Orphan Works and Mass Digitization”, including recommendations for legislation on orphan works and the creation of an extended collective licensing (ECL) regime for mass digitization. This post focuses on the recommendations on orphan works.

Promoting Open Science and Open Knowledge: Current State of Repositories

This briefing paper, “Promoting Open Knowledge and Open Science – Report on the current state of Repositories”, presents an overview of the international repository landscape as of May 2015. The paper was produced by COAR on behalf of the Aligning Repository Networks Committee, a group of senior representatives from repository networks around the world.

Scientist registry unveils plan to recognize efforts of peer-reviewers

More than 1.2 million people have signed up to use ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), a registry or ‘science passport’ that allocates users a unique 16-digit identifier and webpage that they can use to record their publications and grants. ORCID announced that users would soon be able to record on their profile the many different types of peer review they do.

Open Access books slowly on the rise

Publishers and libraries are increasingly experimenting with Open Access (OA) books, according to a new survey by industry advisors, Publishers Communication Group (PCG). Books published under the so-called “author-pays,” Gold Open Access model with no paywall for readers are expected to slowly grow in importance, with funding derived from a variety of sources including library budgets, the study reported.

DOAJ, Impact Factor and APCs

Results from a pilot study correlating Open access article processing charges (APCs) and the journal impact factor. According to this study, some open access journals using the APC business model may be exploiting impact factor status as a means to raise prices.

New Science Europe Principles on Open Access Publisher Services

At its General Assembly meeting in Vienna on 15 April, Science Europe’s members – comprising 50 major public research organisations in Europe – adopted four new common principles on Open Access Publisher Services. The topics concerned were: indexing, copyright and re-use, sustainable archiving, and machine readability.