International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Summary Report–Evolution of Open Access Policies and Availability, 1996-2013

This report, prepared for the European Commission, examines the current state of the art of OA strategies to peer-review publications (Part I), followed by a state-of-the-art analysis of OA strategies to scientific data (Part II). A third part of the study performs an assessment of the proportion and the number of OA papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Article Sharing on Scholarly Collaboration Networks

The International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers (STM) has recently issued a set of voluntary principles that aim to facilitate article sharing on scholarly collaboration networks. Interview with Fred Dylla, project lead of the dedicated working group.

Open Science Initiative issues new paper recommendations

In early September of 2014, nSCI recruited and organized over 100 thought-leaders from around the world into a three month long online conversation—named the Open Science Initiative (OSI) working group—to begin looking into viable ways to reform the scholarly publishing system. The outcome of this conversation will be a working paper which summarizes the many important facts and perspectives that were discussed on this issue.

Preparing for impact

Global use of institutional repositories is on the rise – but the trend is not without its challenges.