The Value in Attending Editorial Board Meetings
A testimony and a How to article on the editorial board meeting process: what is its role? What makes it succesful?
A testimony and a How to article on the editorial board meeting process: what is its role? What makes it succesful?
Thanks to this agreement, CERN results will appear as open access articles, with copyright retained by CERN and its authors, and reuse determined by Creative Commons CC-BY licenses. This allows CERN to progress further towards its stated target of 100% ‘gold’ open access for all of its physics results as of 2015.
An interview with Yuko Nagai of the Zoological Society of Japan about the society’s new open access journal and the future of open access in the country.
This manifesto calls for fair copyright for libraries and archives across Europe. It outlines needed reforms that will better support research, innovation and growth and will help create a digital single market. It focuses on the important role of libraries and archives.
This report, prepared for the European Commission, examines the current state of the art of OA strategies to peer-review publications (Part I), followed by a state-of-the-art analysis of OA strategies to scientific data (Part II). A third part of the study performs an assessment of the proportion and the number of OA papers published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Presentation of a unique combination of traditional peer reviewing with an integrative public review process which seems to be particularly relevant for disseminating the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL).
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) recently implemented a rigorous new vetting process that aims to raise the bar of quality for the journals it lists and filters out publications that are tarnishing the image of Open Access. These new Principles of Transparency and Best Practice comply with criteria used by OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association).
The question of whether – and, if so, when and how – to ‘flip’ a traditional, subscription-based journal to open access (OA) is quite frequent in the publishing environment. Overview of the difficulties raised by this strategy.
The International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers (STM) has recently issued a set of voluntary principles that aim to facilitate article sharing on scholarly collaboration networks. Interview with Fred Dylla, project lead of the dedicated working group.
Springer has opened selected metadata from conference publications, heeding the European Commission’s call for promoting open data.