Journal hijackers target science and open access
Mehrdad Jalalian, an Iran-based researcher in publication ethics, journalism, and research methods adresses a recent phenomenon in scholarly publications : the hijacking of journals.
Mehrdad Jalalian, an Iran-based researcher in publication ethics, journalism, and research methods adresses a recent phenomenon in scholarly publications : the hijacking of journals.
Feedback on the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Fourth Plenary Meeting in Amsterdam and overview of Elsevier’s Open Data pilot. This service provides authors with the option to upload their raw research data as a supplementary file. Upon acceptance of the article Elsevier will publish the data file open access alongside the article on ScienceDirect.
In this paper, Todd Carpenter, Executive Director of the National Information Standards (NISO) raises the problem of inaccurate or badly written scientific citations and recommends the systematic use of metadata and identifiers in order to avoid ambiguities and mistakes.
The Open Access and Institutional Repositories Working Group (OAIR) of the Anatolian University Libraries Consortium (ANKOS) has started a national initiative to preserve its academic outputs.
OpenAIRE initiatives and events during the Open Access Week 2014.
This briefing report is an inititive from the European University Association (EUA), an institution which has followed the developments in OA policies in the university sector since 2007. It aims at providing its membership with an informative policy overview. Its overall purpose is to contribute to the further policy discussion at European level by raising awareness of this important topic for research and research dissemination.
The Open Data Institute and Thomson Reuters have published a new white paper, explaining how to use identifiers to create extra value in open data.
A recent report by Google researchers shows that more highly-cited papers are found in non-elite journals. Phil Davis, publishing consultant, gives his opinion on the methods employed in this paper and the relevance of its results.
As academics across the world gathered to take part in the eighth annual Open Access Week (October 20-26 2014), The Guardian asked experts what they feel is the biggest challenge facing open access over the coming year.
On the occasion of Open Access Week, COAR and other international associations are reaffirming their support for immediate open access to research results.