International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

CRECS. Conferencia Internacional sobre revistas científicas/International Conference on Social Science and Humanities

CRECS (Conferencia internacional sobre REvistas de Ciencias Sociales y humanidades/International Conference on Social Science and Humanities) is one of the main events that brings together scientific and technical editors and those responsible for the dissemination services of Spanish and Latin American journals. The 8th CRECS Conference focused on the Iberoamerican cooperation in scholarly publishing. For the first time, the conference was held outside Spain, in Barranquilla (Colombia) on 2-4 May 2018. In order to maintain continuity with the Spanish participants, a meeting was organised on 7th June together with the Complutense University Library in Madrid.

The videos and presentations are online.

Community Feedback on Scholarly Content: Why it is important and why it should be preserved

The provision of community feedback on the exploration of science has evolved with the publication process. The February 2017 approval of open standards for web annotation provides the infrastructure for an interoperable collaborative annotation layer that will make conversations over scientific content ubiquitous and standard. Heather Staines and Maryann E. Martone explain how this community feedback was preserved in the form of annotations that support the FAIR data principles.

SciELO launches new Operation Interface for its Collections

In November 2017, the SciELO Program launched a new online interface for the national and thematic collections of the SciELO Network, starting with the Public Health thematic collection <>. By 2019, all SciELO Network collections are expected to be operating with the new interface, which will set up a new stage in the history of the program. This experimental interface marks the 20th anniversary of SciELO.