International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world


The members of the ICEDIS Committee – EDItEUR’s special-interest group for serials standards – met on the final day of the UKSG Conference, on 12th April. ICEDIS is nearing 30, and this will be the opportunity to explore its continued relevance against a vastly changed subscriptions landscape, with business models, processes and stakeholder groups all very different from those in place in the late 80s. Another topic on the agenda: Getting the most out of ONIX-PC. Discussions will address how to encourage producers to create ONIX-PC files and how to add other downstream users of the information.

New IFLA Standard: Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (ICP) 2016

The latest revision of the Statement of International Cataloguing Principles (ICP) 2016 has been announced by IFLA. This statement builds on the great cataloguing traditions of the world, as well as on the conceptual models in the IFLA Functional Requirements family. The aim of these principles is to help to increase the international sharing of bibliographic and authority data, and to guide cataloguing rule makers in their efforts. Translations into various languages are already in progress.

FRBRoo version 2.4 endorsed by IFLA

New IFLA Standard: Definition of FRBRoo: A Conceptual Model for Bibliographic Information in Object-Oriented Formalism

FRBRoo is an ontology or high-level conceptual model for bibliographic data. FRBRoo is the result of dialogue between the conceptual modelling communities of IFLA and the International Council of Museums (ICOM). FRBRoo version 2.4 was endorsed by the IFLA Professional Committee in December 2016.

ALA 2017 Midwinter Report

The MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) convened two meetings at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Atlanta. Action was taken on 5 discussion papers and 7 proposals during the meetings. Read the proposals that were discussed and approved.

Open ISNI for Organizations by Ringgold

Open ISNI for Organizations is a new service to share the ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) and data for over 400,000 organizations in the world. Neither the web service proposed nor the website require registration and are free to use. Any dataset mapped to ISNIs can be linked together to provide interoperability between systems to benefit the entire scholarly community.

COUNTER releases the Report Validation Tool

The COUNTER Report Validation Tool  helps content providers in their implementations of COUNTER and SUSHI by offering a means to measure the accuracy and compliance levels of their solution. The tool also gives users of COUNTER reports an easy way to test a questionable report for compliance and report issues to the content provider concerned. A greater compliance by vendors and publishers means that libraries will get data that are more accurate more efficiently, leading to better decision making.

Ringgold to Open ISNI for Organizations to the World

Ringgold, an ISNI Registration Agency, has released a free service to provide open access to the ISNI Identifiers and data for organizations. The purpose of the ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) is to uniquely identify public figures. ISNI is an ISO international standard bridge identifier used by the ISSN International Register, Wikipedia, Musicbrainz, the British Library, Harvard University, Library of Congress, and a number of other organizations, to link data among disparate datasets. Any dataset mapped to ISNIs, whether open or proprietary, can be linked together to provide interoperability and enhance discoverability between systems to benefit the entire scholarly community.

COUNTER Code of Practice Release 5 Update

The last Charleston Conference saw a presentation on the latest developments regarding Project COUNTER. These slides from the presentation outline the progress to date with drafting Release 5 of COUNTER, and include information on new reports, metric types and related attributes, report formats, sample use cases, and the project timeline.