International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Redalyc innovates with XML JATS Marcalyc tool

Redalyc has undertaken a transition to the adoption of XML-JATS which provides a standardized format for describing and exchanging structured data. Redalyc is launching a new online tool (Marcalyc) for XML JATS markup—compatible with the JATS4R recommendation—as a free service for the Open Access journals indexed by Redalyc. Once having XML files, Redalyc provides enriched file formats like ePUB and intelligent readers resulting in greater visibility and accessibility for Open Access research in Latin America, lowering costs for journals and leveraging the power of new technologies.

(Article in Spanish)

NISO releases Altmetrics Recommended Practice

The National Information Standards Organization has published NISO RP-25-2016, Outputs of the NISO Alternative Assessment Project. This recommended practice on altmetrics, an expansion of the tools available for measuring the scholarly impact of research in the knowledge environment, was developed by working groups that were part of NISO’s Altmetrics Initiative. The document outlines altmetrics definitions and use cases, alternative outputs in scholarly communications, data metrics, and persistent identifiers in scholarly communications.

The Library of Congress announces the release of the 2016-2017 Recommended Formats Statement

By providing guidance in the form of technical characteristics and metadata which best support the preservation and long-term access of digital and analog works , the Library of Congress hopes to encourage creators, vendors, archivists and librarians to use the recommended formats in order to further the creation, acquisition and preservation of creative works which will be available for the use of future generations at the Library of Congress and other cultural memory organizations.

Recommended Formats Statement [PDF: 353 KB, 31 pp.]

Gathering the needles: evaluating the impact of gold open access content with traditional subscription journals

The Project COUNTER, known as the Code of Practice, is the standard that ensures vendors and publishers can provide their library customers with consistent, credible and comparable usage data. Utilizing the Project COUNTER Release 4 JR1-GOA report, two librarians explore these data in comparison to journal package subscriptions represented via the JR1 reports. The intent of the study was to assess the overall picture regarding article usage. The methodology and the initial outcomes of the study are provided, along with future plans and opportunities arising from the study findings.

Addressing the Challenges with Organizational Identifiers and ISNI

Organizational identifiers provide the means for a variety of stakeholders to find and identify an organization accurately and define relationships among its sub-units and with other organizations. This OCLC report focuses on organizational identifiers from the perspective of academic institutions, and outlines several scenarios where the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) can be used to disambiguate organizations, including real-world examples.

ISBN: public survey has ended

The public survey about the ISBN standard PR NF ISO 2108 revision, has finished in April 2016. This is the second step of a three year project to publish a revised standard in 2017. The Working Group consists of over 30 international experts as well as key organisations in liaison such as GS1 and its convenor is Stella Griffiths, Executive Director of the International ISBN Agency.

NISO releases altmetrics definitions and use cases for public comment

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) seeks comments on the draft Altmetrics Definitions and Use Cases document, NISO RP-25-201X-1. The draft is an output of the NISO Altmetrics Initiative, a two-phase project aiming to address limitations and gaps that may hinder the adoption of altmetrics, an expansion of tools available for measuring scholarly impact of research in the knowledge environment. The NISO document means to highlight the different ways in which the stakeholders collect, develop, and consume altmetrics, and to explain and contextualize commonalities between stakeholders’ needs, goals, and usages.

The draft Recommended Practice is open for public comments through April 20, 2016.

NISO Releases Altmetrics Definitions and Use Cases for Public Comment

Second out of three draft recommendations from the NISO Altmetrics Initiative is now available for input from stakeholders. The draft is an output of the NISO Altmetrics Initiative, a two-phase project aiming to address limitations and gaps that may hinder the adoption of altmetrics, an expansion of tools available for measuring scholarly impact of research in the knowledge environment. The draft Recommended Practice is open for public comments through April 20, 2016.