International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

NISO Publishes Recommended Practice on Exchanging Serial Content

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the publication of a new recommended practice, Protocol for Exchanging Serial Content (PESC) (NISO RP-23-2015), which provides guidance on the best way to manage the elements of digital serial content packaging in a manner that aids both the content provider and the content recipient in understanding what has been delivered and received.

Actions and Updates on the Standards and Best Practices Front

A presentation of four standards and best practices recently released or currently underway at the National Information Standards Organization: Knowledge Bases and Related Tools, Presentation and Identification of E-Journals, Open Discovery Initiative, and Open Access Metadata Indicators.

Article available under subscription, the corresponding presentation given at the NASIG Annual Conference is available at this address.

BIBFLOW: A Roadmap for Library Linked Data Implementation

BIBFLOW is an Institute of Museum and Library Services supported project that aims to document the internal effects of the conversion of library records to Linked Data, with a particular focus on the forthcoming BIBFRAME framework. BIBFLOW is focused on how Linked Data will affect the library. The final deliverable of the project is a road map used as a practical guide to navigating the transition to Linked Data in libraries.

World-wide review of PRESSoo, an extension of the FRBRoo model

During IFLA annual meeting in August 2014, the FRBR Review Group endorsed PRESSoo as a valid extension of the FRBROO model. Recently, IFLA FRBR Review Group invited IFLA members of the Cataloguing section to comment on PRESSoo as part of a world-wide review, as a step towards formal approval of this model by IFLA.

NISO Launches New Projects to Develop Standards for Bibliographic Vocabulary Exchange

Following the issuance of the Bibliographic Roadmap final report in April 2014, NISO’s Content and Collection Management (CCM) Topic Committee evaluated the recommendations and prepared a new work item proposal focusing on three of the top prioritized areas: Vocabulary policies on use and reuse, Vocabulary documentation, and Vocabulary preservation requirements.

Ending the Invisible Library

A reminder of the BIBFRAME project led by the Library of Congress and a presentation of the recent “Libhub Initiative”, a proof-of-concept project that aims to build a network of libraries using BIBFRAME standards to link data between institutions and other resources.

UKSG Transfer Code of Practice to be Maintained by NISO

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) and UKSG announce that the Transfer Code of Practice will now be supported and maintained by NISO. The Code provides voluntary guidelines for publishers to follow when transferring journal titles between parties to ensure that the journal content remains easily accessible by librarians and readers.

NISO Publishes Revised SUSHI Standard and Supporting Documentation

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has published a revision to the Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative (SUSHI) Protocol (ANSI/NISO Z39.93-2014). The SUSHI standard defines an automated request and response model for the harvesting of electronic resource usage data utilizing a web services framework that can replace the user-mediated collection of usage data reports.