International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

IFLA ISBD Review Group announces the release of the 2021 Update to the 2011 Consolidated Edition of the ISBD

The 2021 Update to the 2011 Consolidated Edition of the ISBD is the first release since the publication of the 2011 Consolidated Edition of the ISBD. It extends the coverage of ISBD to a larger array of resources, optimizes its ability for granular description, clarifies and develops some of the elements, and brings more organization and refinements into the description of some types of resources. Its development brings together the energies and expertise of senior members of the ISBD Review Group and external experts from specialized associations and learned societies. Mikael Wetterstöm, as Metadata expert at ISSN International Centre, participated in the Manifestation Task Force. Notably, the 2021 Update clarifies title changes for serials, multipart monographic and integrating resources, and changes in the edition statement.

You can download the official edition of the 2021 Update.

La Biblioteca Nacional del Perú crea Grupo RDA Perú para implementar estándares de catalogación internacional en bibliotecas del país

La Biblioteca Nacional del Perú (BNP) creó el Grupo RDA Perú con el fin de implementar el estándar internacional de catalogación RDA en las bibliotecas del país y lo anunció esta mañana en un evento presencial y virtual, que contó con la participación de Fabiola Vergara, jefa institucional del organismo; y Catalina Zavala, directora de la Dirección de Gestión de las Colecciones de la BNP. “El Grupo RDA Perú es el resultado del trabajo colaborativo entre los usuarios actuales y potenciales de RDA, con la finalidad de proporcionar la asistencia técnica para la implementación del nuevo estándar en todas las regiones del país, así como promover el estudio y la investigación de las RDA”, dice Catalina Zavala.

June 2022 RDA Toolkit Release

A new release of RDA Toolkit was posted on June 22, 2022. It included updates to both the English and Finnish versions of RDA. The changes made to the English text of RDA for this release were almost entirely editorial (correcting typos and other minor corrections). Policy statements from the Library of Congress – Program for Cooperative Cataloging, the British Library and Music Library Association Best Practices were also updated. The Finnish translation of RDA was updated to make it current with the March 2022 release of English RDA. Read more about the release in the June 2022 Release Notes.

ISNI: Numbering public names for the creative industries

On 16th February 2022, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) held a webinar on the ISNI standard as part of its ongoing Copyright Infrastructure series. This webinar focussed on the role that ISNI plays within the creative industries – including the library, music, research and publishing sectors, as well as copyright management – and included an introduction from WIPO, a presentation from representatives of ISNI and a Question and Answers session. The event was well attended with approximately 200 individuals.

Watch the ISNI presentation on-demand on the YouTube channel

CCC announces acquisition of Ringgold, leading provider of organization identifiers in scholarly communications

CCC, a leader in advancing copyright, accelerating knowledge, and powering innovation, has acquired Ringgold, a longstanding provider of persistent organization identifiers widely used by the scholarly communications community. Ringgold is a recognized leader in PIDs for organizations and institutions. CCC has partnered with Ringgold for years and employs its identifiers to disambiguate author affiliations related to article processing charges in CCC’s RightsLink for Scientific Communications offering. Today, among its other services, Ringgold’s IdentifyDB identifier database contains more than 600,000 organization IDs and related metadata.

ParaNames: A Massively Multilingual Entity Name Corpus

This preprint describes work in progress on ParaNames, a multilingual parallel name resource consisting of names for approximately 14 million entities. The included names span over 400 languages, and almost all entities are mapped to standardized entity types. Using Wikidata as a source, this is the largest resource of this type to-date. ParaNames is useful for multilingual language processing, both in defining tasks for name translation/transliteration and as supplementary data for tasks such as named entity recognition and linking.

Identifiants pérennes et données de la recherche : trouver, relier, citer, valoriser les données

Les identifiants pérennes font partie de stratégies nationales, dont les principes sont rappelés en introduction de cette présentation qui répond à deux questions : Pourquoi et comment lier un jeu de données à une publication ? Comment citer un jeu de données ? Ce support comporte ainsi deux parties 1. Les identifiants pérennes : définition, fonctionnement, attribution 2. Les identifiants en pratique : faciliter l’accès, la citation, la traçabilité des jeux de données.

RDA Lab Series returns in 2022


The RDA Lab Series is designed to help participants understand how to apply the new RDA Toolkit created by the 3R Project. This series of 6 modules will provide hands-on experience using the new RDA and RDA Toolkit with an RDA Lab application profile. The webinars explore concepts introduced by the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM), such as the Nomen entity and aggregate manifestations. The focus is practical, not conceptual, giving participants strategies for implementing the updated RDA in their agencies. Sessions will take place on Thursdays starting on April 28, 2022.


RDA in German-speaking countries

Since 2020, the 3R project for DACH libraries, the switch to the new RDA toolkit for the German-speaking area, is being carried out. The project is led by the German National Library and carried out cooperatively by all partner institutions. The aim is to have a common handbook for cataloguing in German-speaking countries, to be used for good practices and ​​training purposes.
All information of the element and resource descriptions is compiled in a common documentation based on Wikibase. The development of application profiles is being carried out. Another working group is developing a training concept, whose training sessions are expected to take place in the first half of 2023.


Believe it or not, MARC can be indexed using SPARQL. Granted, RDF triplestores cannot index MARC/XML directly, but a literal transformation of MARC/XML into a standard RDF serialization is not that hard, and can prove to be a swift and direct way to retain MARC-originating data values for querying. The use cases may not be immediately obvious, but the analysis below is a starting point that provides evidence of the utility and efficiency of this approach for anyone seeking to try these methods out. To be clear, though, the proposal here is not to manage or exchange data directly in this form; only to enable query access to existing MARC data.