International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

iPRES 21 Registration is Open Now!

The 17th International Conference on Digital Preservation, iPRES2021, will be held at the National Science Library in October 2021 in Beijing, China and will be organized in a hybrid mode: onsite and online.

Topic: Empowering Digital Preservation for the Enriched Digital Ecosystem

Registration is open.

Deadline for submission for lightning talks: 30 July 2021

Webinar – Researcher Focus 1: Researcher Needs, Common Values and Practices

OASPA (Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association) is announcing the first in a series of webinars focused on the needs of the researcher. A cross-disciplinary panel of researchers will discuss what unites them around open research and open access. Panellists will also consider if their perceptions change depending on their role and discuss the choices they currently make when disseminating their work.

Please register for this free webinar and contribute to the discussion.

41st IATUL Annual conference

The International Association of University Libraries (IATUL) will be held online.

Topic: Bridging Universities and Society Libraries as Connectors

Please register for free and check the programme. Sessions will be publicly streamed through IATUL’s YouTube Channel.

LIBER Conference 2021

LIBER is Europe’s largest association of research libraries, representing 450 university, national and research libraries. It is celebrating its 50th annversary.

Topic: Libraries and Open Knowledge: from vision to implementation

Register for free and check the programme.

2021 LD4 Conference on Linked Data

Topic: Building Connections Together

The conference will focus on concrete ways that linked data impacts GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums) institutions, and will share pathways that allow others to participate in linked data.

Register now and view the programme.

ICSTI and Force11 are preparing Force 2021

For their 2021 Annual Conference, the International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI) is collaborating with FORCE11 and other participating organizations to present FORCE 2021: Joining Forces on the Future of Scholarly Communication in October. The collaborative event will take the form of a curated virtual conference with pre-selected topics and speakers. ICSTI will prepare an additional program of member-to-member presentations and General Assembly meeting.

2021 ALA Annual Conference and Exhibition

This year’s American Libraries Association’s Annual Conference brings together an exciting lineup of speakers and educational sessions designed to engage members in a week of collaboration and connection. Tune in to hear from leading authors, thinkers, and activists, and explore the schedule and panel discussions devoted to the library workplace, issues relating to equity, diversity, and inclusion, and more. Former President of the United States Barack Obama will close the conference.
