International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Z39.4 Criteria for Indexes NISO teleconference

The Z39.4 standard, created by the NISO Criteria for Indexes Working Group and now in the process of approval as an ANSI/NISO standard, provides guidelines for the content, organization, and presentation of indexes used for the retrieval of documents and parts of documents. The motivations of this project will be discussed, as well as the expected impact, and the process followed in ensuring that the eventual ANSI/NISO standard will be as up-to-date and useful as possible. The call is free and anyone is welcome to participate.


Transforming Content Through Transformed Systems

In this program, the challenges from both a management and a technology perspective will be explored, considering how the information community can develop systems that continue to add value to scholarly communication and success.

Registration closes on 

LATMÉTRICAS 2021 has open calls for submission of papers

LATMÉTRICAS 2021 is a free virtual event promoted by Latmetrics and the Latin American Symposium on Metric Studies in Science and Technology, which seeks to offer a common dialogue space that allows to know the general panorama of the metrics studies of science and technology from a comprehensive and multidimensional view in Latin America. The event has the support of the Brazilian Association of Scientific Editors (ABEC-Brasil), SciELO, Dialnet and the Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO). The deadline for sending short articles or posters is 30th May 2021.

National Libraries Now 2021: International Perspectives on Library Curation

Bringing together professionals from national libraries worldwide, this conference will explore the state of national library curation now, interrogating the complex challenges faced in building and interpreting collections, and the practical approaches that are being taken to address them. What does it mean to work in a national library now? What new possibilities are there for international collaboration?

The call for papers closes on 19 June 2021.