International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

OCLC Library Futures Conference – Vienna, Austria

Join fellow library leaders and members of the OCLC Europe, Middle East and Africa Regional Council (EMEARC) to discuss and discover how we can build not only future-forward libraries but also future-ready communities.

The agenda is online.

ALPSP Conference and Awards 2020

The programme committee welcomes proposals for presentations and/or sessions.

The closing date for submissions is 15 January 2020.

UKSG 43rd Annual Conference and Exhibition: Brighton 2020

The UKSG Annual Conference and Exhibition is a major event in the scholarly communications calendar which attracts over 900 delegates each year from around the world. The conference combines high-quality plenary presentations, lightning talks and breakout sessions.

The preliminary programme is annouced.

IPRES 2020

The 17th international conference on digital preservation is calling for papers and posters.

Topic: Empowering Digital Preservation for the Enriched Digital Ecosystem

Submission deadline: 15 March 2020

4th Conference about Metadata in libraries

The National Library of France organises the 4th conference about the bibiographic transition in France, precisely about evolving catalogues towards a structure based on entities.

STM Week 2019

STM Week returns for 2019 – Save the Dates and register:

  • 3rd December: Innovations
  • 4th December: Digital Publishing
  • 5th December: Ideas Factory