International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Call for papers: WLIC2017 PAC Open Session

The IFLA Strategic Programme on Preservation and Conservation invites interested professionals to submit proposals for the open session.

Topic: Documentary heritage: digitisation, and born digital heritage – facing the challenges to preserve our heritage for the future.

Deadline: 6 March 2017

ICSTI 2017 Annual Members’ Meeting & Workshops

The 9th Plenary meeting of RDA (Research Data Alliance) to be held on 5-7 April 2017 will be preceded by ICSTI 2017 Annual Members’ Meeting. Keynote speakers at the members’ session will include Kathleen Shearer / COAR.

2 workshops will follow about Multimedia Publishing and Data Visualization ; Scientific Data Repositories : Use Cases, Innovation, and Best Practices.

13th Berlin Open Access Conference

The 13th Berlin Open Access conference will provide a networking and reviewing opportunity in the context of the OA2020 initiative for the large-scale transition to open access. The conference aims at strengthening the international network and sharing the experience of the various stakeholder groups in the process so far.

Registration for 22 March public session is open until 7 March.

IFLA 2017 Call for Papers: Satellite Meetings

The Library Theory & Research Section (LTR), Preservation & Conservation Section, Information Technology Section expect submissions by 18 February 2017

Topic: Data Curator’s Roles and Responsibilities: International and Interdisciplinary Perspectives