International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

NASIG 2017

NASIG promotes communication, information, and continuing education about serials, electronic resources, and scholarly communication

Topic : Racing to the Crossroads

The program is online.

Special RDA Event

Topic: Reconstructing RDA in the LRM: aggregations, authorities, and appellations

COPE European Seminar 2017

The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) celebrates its 20th anniversary.

Topic : The changing face and future of publication ethics.

Programme to be anounced soon. Registration will close on 10 May 2017.


19th Fiesole Collection Development Retreat

New technologies and business models will be examined, as well as the re-emerging role of collection development and librarianship in the continuing digital evolution of the scholarly ecosystem.

Theme: The Evolving Scholarly Environment



Clément Oury, Head of Data, Network and Standards department at ISSN IC, will attend the next ICIDIS meeting and UKSG annual conference.