NASIG 2017
NASIG promotes communication, information, and continuing education about serials, electronic resources, and scholarly communication
Topic : Racing to the Crossroads
The program is online.
NASIG promotes communication, information, and continuing education about serials, electronic resources, and scholarly communication
The program is online.
The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) celebrates its 20th anniversary.
Topic : The changing face and future of publication ethics.
Programme to be anounced soon. Registration will close on 10 May 2017.
Theme: Open Access: Action Required
3 sessions: Long-term preservation of OA Resources, Marketing of Open Access Resources, and Discovery and Access of OA Resources.
Deadline for proposal submission: 1st May, 2017.
Sponsored by: IFLA Section on Serials and Other Continuing Resources
Co-sponsored by: IFLA Section on Acquisition and Collection Development
A workshop on Identifiers and Linked Data and the new role for LIS stakeholders was organised by the National Library of France (BnF), Huma-Num and Persée. All the videos are online.
New technologies and business models will be examined, as well as the re-emerging role of collection development and librarianship in the continuing digital evolution of the scholarly ecosystem.
Theme: The Evolving Scholarly Environment
Major topic: Next generation repositories.
The programme is available.
The latest scientific results and technology innovations around semantic technologies.
Two special tracks: Multilinguality and Semantics & Transparency
Registrations are still open.
Clément Oury, Head of Data, Network and Standards department at ISSN IC, will attend the next ICIDIS meeting and UKSG annual conference.