IFLA International News Media Conference, Hamburg
The conference will cover areas like newspaper and digital news media archiving, preservation and access, e-legal deposit, agreements between libraries and publishers, webharvesting.
The conference will cover areas like newspaper and digital news media archiving, preservation and access, e-legal deposit, agreements between libraries and publishers, webharvesting.
As part of the 2016 Annual Members’ Meeting, the ICSTI ITOC and TACC committees have organized two workshops about Text and Data Mining. See ICSTI-programme-Feb2016.
Topic: Let´s make IT usable! Formats, systems and users: the use of IT to mediate the independent development of cataloguing rules, exchange formats, and cataloguing systems used in libraries.
Deadline for abstracts submission: by 29 February 2016.
Topic: Creative Commons Licenses, resources and current issues in OA.
Chaired by Mark Patterson, Executive Director at eLife and OASPA Board Member.
Registration is open for the Confederation of Open Access Repositories annual meeting. The topic will be: The Role of Collaboration in Building the Global Knowledge Commons.
Early bird registration is open for the European Association of Science Editors conference. The main theme is: Scientific integrity: editors on the front line.
The program is online.
The central role of libraries in the growing shift toward Open Access, Open Education and Open Data will be explored.