International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

NASIG Digital Preservation Webinar – 28 November at 12pm (EST)

NASIG (formerly the North American Serials Interest Group, Inc.) will be hosting a webinar, whose theme will be Publishers presesrving publishing. The goal is to showcase steps that scholarly journal publishers take to preserve publications and objects and records related to publishing.

Please register.

Call for Contributions iPRES 2024, 16, Ghent, Belgium-20 September 2024

iPRES2024 logo

iPRES comes to Ghent and Flanders. Participants are invited to unlock the past, present and future of digital preservation together.

Submissions will open early January, with the following deadlines:

  • 17 March 2024 for papers, panels, tutorials and workshops
  • 15 May 2024 for posters, lightning talks, bake-off demos, games and birds of a feather sessions.

Journée d’étude annuelle sur l’IA dans les métiers de l’information et de la documentation, 24 novembre 2023, Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France

Le 24 novembre 2023, AFNOR et la BNF, avec le soutien du Ministère de la Culture, organisent leur journée d’étude annuelle. Venez découvrir comment les normes volontaires et l’intelligence artificielle peuvent intervenir dans le quotidien des professionnels de l’information et de la documentation.

La journée co-organisée par l’AFNOR et la BnF, présente un état des lieux de la réflexion dans le domaine de l’information et la documentation, et a vocation à constituer la première étape dans l’appropriation du sujet par nos organisations.

La participation est gratuite mais l’inscription obligatoire jusqu’au 22 novembre 2023.

Penn State University Libraries to observe open access week with a virtual panel discussion on October 24, 2023

Penn State University Libraries will participate in the 16th annual global observance of Open Access Week with a virtual panel discussion at noon on October 24. Panelists will discuss this year’s theme, Community Over Commercialization, in the context of University Libraries’ initiatives that support research and teaching. The session is free and will be held virtually on Zoom; registration is required to attend.

ICSTI 2023 annual conference & General assembly, November 28th

ICSTI Connections

The International Council for Scientific and Technical Information (ICSTI)’s next Annual Conference/General Assembly will be held virtually on November 28th, 2023. The event will comprise:

–  a workshop featuring speakers on topics in AI–doubled in the morning and afternoon (CET) to allow attendance from U.S. and Asia,

–  a slot for member-to-member presentations,

–  and the General Assembly taking place around noon (CET).

If you are interested in making a member-to-member presentation, please contact Jan Brase, ICSTI President, and Addie Cox, ICSTI Executive Manager (with copy to the ICSTI Secretariat).

Further details and official invitation with link to register will be shared soon.


The Charleston Conference at the Frankfurt Bookfair, October 20, 2023

This event will take place as an academic conference during the Publisher Perspectives Forum at the Frankfurt Book Fair. This conference is free and open to all registered Frankfurt Book Fair attendees.

Two panel discussions will take place.

Speakers of the first panel discussion will shed light on Research Integrity: Technology, Trust, and Transparency. The second panel discussion will focus on Sustainability and the Future of Scholarly Communication: Looking Forward at Business Models, SDGs, and Beyond.

AI and Its impact on OA and Research Integrity, Thursday, October 19, 2023 – Frankfurt Studio Stage in Room Europa, Hall 4.0

SSP Society for Scholarly Publishing        Image

Within the explosion of natural language processing applications gaining academic and popular attention over the past year, reflecting on its implications on other important key trends in scholarly discourse is critical. In this mini-conference organized by the Society for Scholarly Publishing and its Scholarly Kitchen Blog, panelists will explore these two important issues facing the scholarly publishing community through the lens of artificial intelligence tools.

Ciencia Abierta con IDEIA – Impacto, Diversidad, Equidad, Inclusión y Accesibilidad – 25-29 septiembre, 2023, São Paulo, Brasil

Logo do SciELO 25 Anos

Ese es el lema de la Semana SciELO 25 Años que se proyecta como un fórum histórico sobre el estado de avance y perspectivas del modus operandi de ciencia abierta.

Los 25 e 26 de septiembre serán dedicados a la reunión quinquenal de la Red SciELO que analizará el estado de avance de las colecciones nacionales y las perspectivas de desarrollo para los próximos cinco años. A continuación, en los días 27 a 29 de septiembre, tendrá lugar la Conferencia Internacional SciELO 25 Años que abordará la transición de la investigación y su comunicación para el modus operandi de ciencia abierta.