International Identifier for serials
and other continuing resources, in the electronic and print world

Committee on Standards at WLIC 2023: Sessions about IFLA Standards (Tuesday, 22 August, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM)

The Advisory Committee on Standards (CoS) welcomes you to its sessions during the World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) in Rotterdam: Standards business meeting, Review Group committee meetings, open sessions will take place from 20-24 August 2023.

During the open session : ISBDM or ISBD Reshaped to LRM: Towards Integrating IFLA Bibliographic Standards to be held on Tuesday, 22 August, 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM, the IFLA ISBD Review Group will present the latest developments of the ISBDM, that is an ISBD reshaped to LRM, that is an ISBD that has completed its transformation into a modular, entity-based content standard, implementing and extending LRM, structure wise and modelling wise.

WLIC 2023 Satellite meeting Universal Bibliographic Control at the crossroads: the challenges of unifying IFLA bibliographic standards, KBR, the Royal Library of Belgium, 18-19 August 2023

Universal Bibliographic Control (UBC) was created jointly by IFLA and UNESCO as part of a global effort to ensure better access to information. UBC has long been a fundamental part of the international framework for the bibliographic aspect of libraries’ work. IFLA’s UBCIM Programme has been responsible for the creation of the ISBDs as well as UNIMARC. 20 years after it closed, and about a decade after IFLA’s last collective reflection and declaration on UBC (IFLA Professional Statement on Universal Bibliographic Control and Lyon Declaration), the IFLA Sections on BibliographyCataloguing and Subject Analysis and Access invite metadata specialists from all around the world to convene at KBR in Brussels to start discussing a new framework for the coming decades. At a time when IFLA is re-examining its technical and strategic infrastructure for metadata standards creation and maintenance to take into account the new environment of data exchange for data interoperability, each individual term of the “UBC” concept can be questioned.

IFLA’s Special Interest Group on Library Publishing, Saturday, August 19, 2023, 8:45 – 5:15 p.m. Royal Library of the Netherlands, The Hague

The meeting whose topic is The Global Impact of Library Publishing seeks to explore how the growth of this passionate and energetic work by library publishers is impacting three areas of high value for society:  (1) Library Publishing Supporting open science; (2) Library Publishing Supporting open pedagogy; and (3) Library Publishing Supporting an educated society.

Inclusiveness through Openness IFLA Satellite Conference | Erasmus University Library, Rotterdam, 18-19 August 2023

The value of open access in scholarly communication has been understood for almost as long as the internet has offered the potential to disseminate information and materials immediately and universally. Twenty years after the start of the open access movement, the scholarly communication ecosystem is rapidly evolving into an open paradigm, and we can easily imagine a not-so-distant future in which open scholarship is the norm.

SciELO 25 Years Week, 25-29 September 2023, São Paulo, Brazil

The SciELO 25 Years Week will bring together a series of events that will be designed as a global forum for face-to-face and online discussion on the state of the art and perspectives on the execution and communication of open science research and its contributions to the development of collections of research communication objects operated by SciELO with a focus on journals of increasing quality that the SciELO Network indexes, publishes, and interoperates.

The German National Library (DNB) at the 111. BIBLIOCON2023 (23 – 26 May 2023)

111. BiblioCon2023, Germany’s central library and information science congress, will take place in Hanover from 23 to 26 May and feature the motto “Vorwärts nach weit” (Forward to Far). The congress, established in 1900, will gather 3,500 participants from 18 countries. The German National Library will again be present with a stand and numerous presentations and contributions to the discussion.

Look at the programme.