Identificación Internacional de Publicaciones en Serie
y otros recursos continuados, electrónicos e impresos


ISNI International Agency New Members and New Domains of Interest




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The International Agency has registered a further increase in membership over recent months, with three new Registration Agencies being established by Casalini Libri, IDA (the Identification Agency, in Russia) and PCC (the Program for Cooperative Cataloging), whilst Brill Publishers has joined ISNI-IA as a regular Member.

Equally exciting has been continued interest in the possibilities of using ISNI to uniquely identify and disambiguate musical artists and performers and to offer similar facilities to actors, directors and producers in the film industry. As shown by the numerous active enquiries in these areas, the workflow challenges and requirements for unique, machine-usable and interoperable party identification are quite generic and are shared across domains far beyond those originally served by the ISNI standard.