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FRBRoo, the IFLA Library Reference Model, and now LRMoo: a circle of development




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IFLA’s conceptual models for bibliographic information are maintained in two forms, entity-relationship modelling and object-oriented modelling. As the models have developed in phases, the insights gained in one round of development have regularly informed and influenced the next  development. Pat Riva, Associate University Librarian, Collection Services at Concordia University Library, Montreal (Canada) and Maja Žumer, Professor, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), will present a paper illustrating  the influences and adaptation of ideas using examples from the most recently approved models: FRBRoo version 2.4 (2016) and IFLA LRM (2017), continuing to current work to create LRMoo. This paper will be presented during the IFLA session 074 Impact of recently approved IFLA standards – Committee on Standards (SI).