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New members for ISNI




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New members for ISNI

Interest in ISNI membership continues to increase as the standard is adopted or rolled out more widely. A consortium of the leading university libraries in the Netherlands, represented by SURFmarket, has signed up for ISNI membership, bringing at least academic 13 libraries into the ISNI fold. ISNI also hopes soon to welcome the group of legal deposit libraries in the UK and Ireland, affiliating with ISNI in a joint effort coordinated by the British Library (which is already a Registration Agency in its own right).

Outside the library world, ISNI is also in advanced discussions with a number of organizations in the music industry, one of which Quansic (located in Switzerland) joined late in 2019. The ISNI board is keen to extend the territories where ISNI is directly represented, and have dialogues underway with prospective Registration Agencies in both South America and Australasia.