Identificación Internacional de Publicaciones en Serie
y otros recursos continuados, electrónicos e impresos


ISSN IC participated in ICEDIS round-up by conference call




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When UKSG was cancelled, ICEDIS decided to make a virtue out of a necessity, arranging a conference call round-up instead. Sixteen colleagues from a range of organizations interested in serials took part in this virtual meeting. Tim Devenport, making a brief recap about ONIX-PC and other serials standards maintained by EDItEUR, announced the decision to place ONIX-PC in ‘maintenance mode’ unless or until new requirements or novel use cases emerge. EDItEUR’s Graham Bell said more about the organisation’s work outside of serials, focusing particularly on recent progress with ONIX 3.0, Thema and EDItX.

There then followed 2 presentations on topics related to the core mission of ICEDIS:

  • Nathalie Cornic (ISSN International Centre) updated the group on progress since ISSN-IC took over the stewardship of the Keepers Registry – a vital resource covering e-journal preservation that records which agencies have preserved what;
  • Todd Carpenter of NISO briefed the meeting on a series of NISO, ISO and other initiatives either underway or at the planning stage.

Copies of the meeting Minutes are available from the EDItEUR website (slides used by each presenter are linked from within the minutes).